Haliplidae species from Reitter 1909


Taxonavigation: Adephaga 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Classis: Insecta
Cladus: Dicondylia
Subclassis: Pterygota
Cladus: Metapterygota
Infraclassis: Neoptera
Cladus: Eumetabola
Cladus: Endopterygota
Superordo: Coleopterida
Ordo: Coleoptera
Subordo: Adephaga

Familia: Haliplidae
Genera (5): Algophilus Apteraliplus Brychius Haliplus Peltodytes Phalilus


Haliplidae Aubé, 1836


  • Beutel, R.G.; Ruhnau, S. 1990: Phylogenetic analysis of the genera of Haliplidae (Coleoptera) based on characters of adults. Aquatic insects, 12(1): 1–17. DOI: 10.1080/01650429009361381
  • Jia, F. & Vondel, B. van 2011. Annotated catalogue of the Haliplidae of China with the description of a new species and new records from China (Coleoptera, Adephaga). ZooKeys 133: 1–17. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.133.1642 Open access. Reference page. 
  • Hendrich, L.; Vondel, B., van 2010: Haliplidae (Coleoptera). Pp. 237-242 in: Jäch, M.A. & Balke, M. (eds.): Water beetles of New Caledonia (part 1). Monographs on Coleoptera, 3 [not seen]
  • Kenner, R.D. 2008: Asymmetry of the sutural margins of elytra: implications for the generic classification of Haliplidae (Coleoptera). Coleopterists bulletin, 62(4): 461–473. DOI: 10.1649/1123.1
  • Majka, C.G. 2008: The aquatic Coleoptera of Prince Edward Island, Canada: new records and faunal composition. ZooKeys 2: 239–260. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.2.25 Reference page. 
  • Majka, C.G.; Vondel, B.J. van; Webster, R.P. 2009: The Haliplidae of Atlantic Canada: new records, distribution, and faunal composition. In: Majka, C.G.; Klimaszewski, J. (eds) Biodiversity, biosystematics, and ecology of Canadian Coleoptera II. ZooKeys, 22: 249–266. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.22.91
  • Nilsson, A.N. & Vondel, B.J. van 2005. Amphizoidae, Aspidytidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae and Paelobiidae (Coleoptera, Adephaga). World Catalogue of Insects 7. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 171 pp. ISBN 87-88757-49-8. DOI: 10.1163/9789004473393 Paywall. Google Books. Reference page. 
  • Short, A.E.Z.; Torres, P.J.; Vondel, B.J. van 2010: A review of the crawling water beetles of Mongolia (Coleoptera: Haliplidae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 159: 205–212. ISSN: 0097-3157 PDF
  • Vondel, B.J., van 1995: Revision of the Haliplidae (Coleoptera) of the Australian region and the Moluccas. Records of the South Australian Museum, 28: 61–101. PDF
  • Vondel, B.J., van 2005: 7.2. Haliplidae Aubé, 1836. Pp. 64-72 in: Beutel, R.G.; Leschen, R.A.B. (volume eds.) Coleoptera, beetles. Volume 1: Morphology and systematics (Archostemata, Adephaga, Myxophaga, Polyphaga partim). In: Kristensen, N.P. & Beutel, R.G. (eds.) Handbook of zoology. A natural history of the phyla of the animal kingdom. Volume IV. Arthropoda: Insecta. Part 38. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 3110171309 contents limited preview
  • Vondel, B.J., van 2007: World Catalogue of Haliplidae – corrections and additions, 1 (Coleoptera: Haliplidae). Koleopterologische rundschau, 77: 89–96.
  • Vondel, B.J., van 2009: Review of the Haliplidae of Myanmar with description of Haliplus volpei (Coleoptera). Tijdschrift voor entomologie, 152: 333–338. ISSN: 0040-7496 Abstract
  • Vondel, B.J., van 2010: Revision of the Haliplidae of the Afrotropical region, including North Africa (Coleoptera). Tijdschrift voor entomologie, 153(2): 239–314. abstract only seen
  • Vondel, B. van & Bergsten, J. 2012. Review of the Haliplidae of Madagascar, with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 155(1): 57–66. DOI: 10.1163/221194312X651382 Open access. Reference page. 
  • Vondel, B.J., van 2013. World Catalogue of Haliplidae - corrections and additions, 2 (Coleoptera: Haliplidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 83: 23–34. PDF. Reference page. 
  • Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 1 ed. I. Lobl, & A. Smetana, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, Denmark, 2003 and 2004
    ISBN 87-88757-73-0, p.30

Vernacular names

čeština: Plavčíkovití
dansk: Vandtrædere
Deutsch: Wassertreter
English: Crawling water beetle
suomi: Pisarsukeltajat
français: Haliple
lietuvių: Dumbliavabaliai
polski: Flisakowate
русский: Плавунчики
svenska: Vattentrampare
中文: 沼梭甲科
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