
Taxonavigation: Noctilucales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Alveolata
Phylum: Myzozoa
Subphylum: Dinozoa
Infraphylum: Dinoflagellata
Classis: Dinophyceae
Ordo: Noctilucales

Familia: Noctilucaceae
Genera: Abedinium Noctiluca

Genus (in synonymy): Slabberia


Noctilucaceae Th. Huxley ex Alridge in A. Pritchard, Hist. Infus. ed. 4: 382, 384, 386. 1860 ['1861'] (“Noctilucida”), pro zool. fam.


Primary references

  • Pritchard, A. 1860 ['1861']. A history of Infusoria: including the Desmidiaceae and Diatomaceae, British and Foreign. Ed. 4 [enlarged and revised by J.T. Arlidge; W. Archer; J. Ralfs; W.C. Williamson; and the Author]. London: Whittaker & Co. Google Books Reference page. 

Additional references

  • Gómez, F., 2005. A list of free-living dinoflagellate species in the world’s oceans. Acta Bot. Croat. 64 (1), 129-212.
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