Notodasus chinensis


Taxonavigation: Scolecida 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Spiralia
Cladus: Lophotrochozoa
Phylum: Annelida
Classis: Polychaeta
Subclassis: Scolecida

Familia: Capitellidae
Genus: Notodasus
Species: Notodasus chinensis


Notodasus chinensis Lin, García-Garza & Wang in Lin et al., 2019

Type locality: Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi Province

Holotype: TIO-BTS-Poly-105 (sta. GFC-S31), one specimen, Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi Province (21°41′31″N, 108°39′52″E), eight m, mud, incomplete, coll. Zhong Li, January 26, 2018. [TIO: Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen, China]

Paratypes: 11 specimens:

  • TIO-BTS-Poly-106 (sta. GFC-S31), four incomplete specimens, same information as holotype, one mounted on SEM stub;
  • TIO-BTS-Poly-107 (sta. GFC-S33), one specimen, Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi Province (21°34′30″N, 108°52′41″E), seven m, muddy sand, incomplete, coll. Zhong Li, January 26, 2018;
  • TIO-BTS-Poly-108 (sta. GFC-S11), one specimen, Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi Province (21°37′33″N, 108°38′15″E), 12 m, mud, incomplete, coll. Zhong Li, October 27, 2017;
  • TIO-BTS-Poly-109 (sta. GFC-S24), one specimen, Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi Province (21°32′14″N, 108°28′29″E), 11 m, mud, incomplete, coll. Zhong Li, October 27, 2017;
  • TIO-BTS-Poly-112 (sta. GFC-S17), two specimens, Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi Province, (21°31′16″N, 108°49′42″E), seven m, mud, incomplete, coll. Zhong Li, April 21, 2018;
  • TIO-BTS-Poly-113 (sta. GFC-S18), one specimen, Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi Province (21°35′39″N, 108°34′41″E), nine m, muddy sand, incomplete, coll. Zhong Li, April 22, 2018.

Distribution: known from shallow subtidal waters of the Qinzhou Bay (Guangxi Province) and Daya Bay (Guangdong Province), the southern coast of China.

ZooBank: 201C23E8-5FD1-4D12-813D-B0A649A0DC11


Primary references

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