Onchobdella ximenae


Taxonavigation: Dactylogyridea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Subphylum: Rhabditophora
Superclassis: Neodermata
Classis: Monogenea
Subclassis: Monopisthocotylea
Ordo: Dactylogyridea

Familia: Ancyrocephalidae
Genus: Onchobdella
Species (9): O. aframae O. bopeleti O. krachii O. melissa O. pterigyalis O. spirocirra O. sylverai O. voltensis O. ximenae


Onchobdella Paperna, 1968

  • Type species: Onchobdella voltensis Paperna, 1968 (type by original designation)


  • Paperna, I 1968: Monogenetic trematodes collected from fresh water fish in Ghana. Second report. Bamidgeh, Bulletin of Fish Culture in Israel 20: 80–100. ISSN: 0792-156X
  • Pariselle, A. & Euzet, L. 2009: Systematic revision of dactylogyridean parasites (Monogenea) from cichlid fishes in Africa, the Levant and Madagascar. Zoosystema 31: 849–898. ISSN: 1280-9551 PDF
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