Taxonavigation: Anura |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Petropedetidae
Genus: Petropedetes
Species (9):
P. cameronensis –
P. euskircheni –
P. johnstoni –
P. juliawurstnerae –
P. newtoni –
P. palmipes –
P. parkeri –
P. perreti –
P. vulpiae
Petropedetes Reichenow, 1874: 290 [conserved name ]
- Type species: Petropedetes cameronensis Reichenow, 1874, by monotypy.
- Gender: masculine.
- Placed on the Official List of Generic Name by Opinion 1921 (1999: 96).
- Petropedites — O'Shaughnessy 1876: 84 [Incorrect subsequent spelling]
- Tympanoceros Bocage, 1895: 270
Primary references
- Reichenow, A. 1874. Eine Sammlung Lurche und Kriechthiere von Westafrika. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 40: 287–298.
- International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 1999. Opinion 1921. Petropedetinae Noble, 1931, Cacosterninae Noble, 1931 and Phrynobatrachinae Laurent, 1941 (Amphibia, Anura): given precedence over Hemimantidae Hoffmann, 1878, and Phrynobatrachinae: not given precedence over Petropedetinae. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 56(1): 96–100. BHL Reference page.
- Frost, D.R. 2021. Petropedetes. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.1 (18 July 2022). Electronic Database accessible at https://amphibiansoftheworld.amnh.org/index.php. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. DOI: 10.5531/db.vz.0001