Taxonavigation: Staphylinoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Staphylinidae
Subfamilia: Staphylininae
Tribus: Xantholinini
Genus: Phacophallus
Species: Phacophallus japonicus
Phacophallus japonicus (Cameron, 1933: 169)
Native distribution areas
Japan (Honshu, Tsushima), Korea (N, S), Ryukyu Is. (Yakushima), China (Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Henan, Hong Kong, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia (pen.), Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Bali), Australia, New Caledonia.
Primary references
- Cameron, M. 1933. New species of Staphylinidae (Col.) from Japan. Entomologist's monthly magazine 69: 168–175. PDF. [original description: p. 169]
- Bordoni, A. 2002. Xantholinini della Regione Orientale (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Classificazione, filogenesi e revisione tassonomica. [Xantholinini of the Oriental Region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Classification, phylogeny and taxonomic revision.] Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Monografie (Turin) 33: 1–998. ISBN 8886041454 Reference page. [comb. nov.: p. 541]
Additional references
- Bordoni, A. 2003. Contributo alla conoscenza degli Xantholinini della Cina. II. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 125° contributo alla conoscenza degli Staphylinidae. [Contribution to the knowledge of Xantholinini from China. II. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae).] Fragmenta entomologica 34: 255–292. Reference page. [material (China), note: p. 263]
- Bordoni, A. 2009. Xantholinini della Cina, della Regione Orientale e dell'Australia. Nuove specie e nuovi dati geonemici (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 177° contributo alla conoscenza degli Staphylinidae. [Xantholinini of China, eastern region and Australia. New species and new genome data (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae).] Fragmenta entomologica 41(1): 87–111. DOI: 10.4081/fe.2009.84 Reference page. [material, note: p. 91, 100, 108]
- Bordoni, A. 2012. New data on Xantholinini from China – 18. Species from Yunnan (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 227° contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae. Linzer biologische Beiträge 44(1): 427–436. Full article (PDF) Reference page. [material, distribution, note: p. 429]
- Bordoni, A. 2012. New data on the Xantholinini of the Oriental Region. XXX. A new species and new records from Thailand (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 235th Contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae. Redia, 2012: 35–37. Reference page. [material, distribution: p. 35]
- Bordoni, A. 2012. New data on the Xantholinini of the Oriental Region 31. New species and new records from Laos of the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. [237th contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae.] Quaderno di studi e notizie di storia naturale della Romagna 36: 105–113. PDF Reference page. [material, distribution: p. 110]
- Bordoni, A. 2012. New data on the Oriental Xantholinini. 28°. New species and new records from Vietnam (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 233° contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae. Fragmenta entomologica 44(1): 79–86. PDF Reference page. [material, distribution: p. 84]
- Bordoni, A. 2013. Revisione degli Xantholinini della sottoregione polinesiana (Coleoptera Staphylinidae). [218º contributo alla conoscenza degli Staphylinidae]. Memorie della Società entomologica italiana 90(1): 1–58. DOI: 10.4081/memorieSEI.2013.1 Reference page. [material, description, distribution: p. 35]
- Bordoni, A. 2013. New data on the Xantholinini from China. 24. New genus, new species and new records of the Shanghai Normal University collection (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 244° contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae. Linzer biologische Beiträge 45(2): 1745–1797. Full article (PDF) Reference page. [material, distribution, note: p. 1757]
- Bordoni, A. 2016. New data on the Xantholinini from China. 27°. New species and new records in the collection of Tateo Ito, Kyoto (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 265° contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae. Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 148(3): 115–119. Reference page. [material: p. 116]
- Bordoni, A. 2017. New data on the Australasian Xantholinini. 9th. New genus, new species, and new records from Australia, New Caledonia and New Zealand (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). [259th contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae]. Fragmenta entomologica 49(1): 115–120. DOI: 10.4081/fe.2017.240 Reference page. [material, distribution (spelled Phacophallus japonicas): p. 119]
- Bordoni, A. 2017. New data on the Oriental Xantholinini. 43. New species and new records from Thailand in the Naturhistorisches Museum of Basel (Coleoptera Staphylinidae). 281° contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae. Linzer biologische Beiträge 49(2): 1219–1229. PDF Reference page. [material, distribution: p. 1226]
- Bordoni, A. 2018. New data on the xantholinini from the oriental region. 43. New species and new records (coleoptera staphylinidae). (273th Contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae). Redia 101: 129–135. PDF
Reference page. [material (Cambodia), distribution: p. 132]