Familia: Muscicapidae
Genus: Phoenicurus
Species: Phoenicurus schisticeps
- Catalogue of the specimens and drawings of Mammalia and Birds of Nepal and Thibet, presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Museum: 69, 153
Vernacular names
العربية: حميراء بيضاء الحنجرة
English: White-throated redstart
español: Colirrojo gorgiblanco
नेपाली: सेतोकण्ठे खञ्जरी
Nederlands: Witkeelroodstaart
svenska: Vitstrupig rödstjärt
English: White-throated redstart
español: Colirrojo gorgiblanco
नेपाली: सेतोकण्ठे खञ्जरी
Nederlands: Witkeelroodstaart
svenska: Vitstrupig rödstjärt
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