Taxonavigation: Geometroidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Geometridae
Subfamilia: Larentiinae
Tribus: Xanthorhoini
Genus: Protorhoe
Species: Protorhoe drechseli
Protorhoe drechseli Rajaei, Stadie & Hausmann, 2017
Type locality: Türkei [Turkey], Prov. Adiyaman, Nemrut dagi Nordseite [northern side], 2000m N 38°02'19" E 38°46'01".
Holotype: ZSM. male ♂. 23.V.2009. legit D. Stadie & H. Löbel. Barcode specimen ID: BC ZSM Lep 26536.
Primary references
- Rajaei, H., Stadie, D. & Hausmann, A. 2017. Taxonomic revision of the genus Protorhoe Herbulot, 1951 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae), new taxonomic changes and description of two new species. Zootaxa 4282(2): 269–291. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4282.2.3. Reference page.