
Taxonavigation: Solanales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Lamiids
Ordo: Solanales

Familia: Solanaceae
Subfamilia: Solanoideae
Tribus: Solaneae
Genus: Solanum
Sectio: S. sect. Aculeigerum
Species: Solanum glaucescens


Solanum glaucescens Zucc. (1837:325)

  • Neotype: S.c. s.n. (M0124264, M, Morton neg. 8691)
    • Isoneotype: BR (BR0000008366221)
  • Type locality: Grown in the Munich Botanical Garden by Zuccarini from seeds collected in Mexico by Karwinsky [Wilhelm Friedrich Karwinsky von Karwin], 1835.


(After Clark & al, 2015)

  • Solanum hamatile Brandegee (1915:192)
    • Holotype: C. Purpus 7164 (UC175042, UC)
      • Collection number given as "6164" in the protologue.
    • Isotypes: BM (BM000514922),F (F-424575), MO (MO-555119), NY (NY00138991), US (US-467485)
    • Type location: Mexico. Oaxaca: Río San Gerónimo, Jul 1914.
  • Solanum oaxacanum Dunal (1852:192)
    • Holotype: G. Andrieux 189 (G00154874, G-DC, F neg.6832, IDC microfiche 800–61.2078:I.6)
    • Isotypes: K (K000063703, K000195650), W (W0003308)
    • Type location: Mexico. Oaxaca: Tehuántepec.
  • Solanum sagranum A.Rich. (1850:124, "sagraeanum")
  • Solanum lanceifolium var. sagranum (A.Rich.) M.Gómez (1895:268)
    • Holotype: R. De la Sagra s.n. (P00370903, P)
    • Isotypes: P (P00371124, P00371122,P00371123, P00445150), F, K (K000449492), W
      • Designated in Clark & al. (2015:1118)
    • Type location: "Cuba".


External links

Vernacular names

(Clark & al., 2015)

español: Cuatomate, Zarza
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