
Taxonavigation: Solanales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Lamiids
Ordo: Solanales

Familia: Solanaceae
Subfamilia: Solanoideae
Tribus: Solaneae
Genus: Solanum
Subgenus: S. subg. Potatoe
Sectio: S. sect. Juglandifolia
Species: Solanum ochranthum


Solanum ochranthum Dunal (1816:6)

  • Lectotype: Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (P00136308, P; Morton neg. 8721)
    • Isolectotypes: P (P00136307, Morton neg. 8272; P00136306, LL neg. 519; possibly: P00136309, LL neg. 514)
    • Designated by Peralta & al. (2008:72)
  • Type location: Ecuador, "in regno Quitense".


(After Peralta & al., 2008)

  • Lycopersicon ochranthum (Dunal) J.M.H.Shaw (1998:109)
  • Solanum caldasii Dunal (1816:6)
    • Lectotype: Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (P00136305, P; F neg. 38993, LL neg. 518)
    • Isolectotypes: MPU (fragment)
      • Designated by Peralta & al. (2008:72)
    • Type location: Ecuador, "in regno Quitense".
  • Solanum fascatum Roemer & Schult. (1819:554)
    • Holotype: Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (B-W; IDC 7440: 4356)
    • Type location: "In Americ. merid.".
  • Solanum ochranthum var. connascens Bitter (1912:465)
    • Holotype: Jameson s.n. (W; LL neg. 789)
      • Regarding various purported Jameson 829 isotypes, see Peralta & al. (2008:77).
    • Type location: "Ecuador".
  • Solanum ochranthum var. endopogon G.Bitter (1912:464)
    • Holotype (destroyed): Sodiro 114/5 (B)
    • Type location: Ecuador, Pichincha, "prope Quito, Chillo".
  • Solanum ochranthum var. glabrifilamentum G.Bitter (1912:466)
    • Holotype: Weberbauer 5097 (B; destroyed)
    • Lectotype: GH (LL neg. 521)
    • Isotypes: F (LL neg. 522), US (LL neg. 516)
      • Designated by Peralata & al., (2012:72)
    • Type location: Peru. Apurímac, Río Pampa, Hacienda Catahuacho, 2600-2700m
  • Solanum ochranthum var. septemjugum G.Bitter (1912:465)
    • Holotype: Triana s.n. (W; F neg. 2, LL neg. 790)
    • Isotypes: FT (LL neg. 791), P (P00213204, LL neg. 513)
    • Type location: Colombia, "prov. de Mariquita: Quindio, La Palmilla," 2200m.
  • Solanum ochranthum var. quinquejugum Hawkes (1944:112)
    • Holotype: Balls & Hawkes 7345 (CPC;LL neg. 511)
    • Isotypes: CPC (LL neg. 510), K, US (LL neg. 512)
    • Type location: Ecuador. Carchi: San Gabriel, Guaca, 11 500ft, 6 Aug 1939


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