Solanum wendlandii


Taxonavigation: Solanales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Lamiids
Ordo: Solanales

Familia: Solanaceae
Subfamilia: Solanoideae
Tribus: Solaneae
Genus: Solanum
Sectio: S. sect. Aculeigerum
Species: Solanum wendlandii


Solanum wendlandii Hook.f. (1887:tab. 6914)

  • Type: Edmonds (2012) cites a K specimen as "Holotype", this is improper as there is no confirmation that the material in question is original, or the two sheets (K000695647 and K000695646) are a single specimen as opposed to a gathering. Clark & al. (2015:1127) designate K000195647 as neotype. This is also incorrect (Art 9.8 and 9.4 of the ICN) as original material still exist in the form of plate 6914, which ought to have been designated as lectotype
  • Type locality: Cultivated at Kew in the Water Lily House, from seeds "sent in 1882 by Dr. Wendland, Director of the Royal Gardens at Herrenhausen, Hanover, with the information that it is a native of the cold regions of Costa Rica" (Hooker, 1887).


(After Clark & al, 2015)

  • Solanum tlacotalpense Sessé & Moc. (1894:52)
    • Lectotype: M. Sessé & J. Mociño s.n. (MA-604681, MA, F neg. 48334)
    • Isolectotypes: MA (MA-604680, F neg. 48333; MA-604682, F neg. 48335)
      • Designated by Knapp (2008:20).
    • Type location: Mexico. Veracruz: "ad fluviorum Tuxtlentium" [on the banks of Río Tuxtla, presumably near San Andrés Tuxtla, (Clark & al., 2015:1127)].
  • Solanum mazatenangense Coult. & Donn. Sm. (1904:421)
    • Lectotype: J. Donnell Smith 2669 (US-1324650, US, barcode US00840548)
    • Isolectotypes: US (US-1324649, US-258628), F (F-267128), GH (GH0077513), K (K000195648, K000195649), NY (NY00139006)
      • Designated by Clark & al. (2015:1127).
    • Type location: Guatemala. Retalhuleu: San Felipe, 2050 ft, Apr 1892.
  • Solanum unguis-cati Standley (1929:320)
    • Holotype: P. Standley 56726 (F-581029, F)
    • Type location: Honduras. Atlántida: Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, 50 m ["20–600" on label], 9 Mar 1928 ["Dec. 6, 1927–Mar. 20, 1928" on label].
      • Corrected date and elevation from Clark & al. (2015:1127)


Vernacular names

svenska: Klätterskatta
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