
Taxonavigation: Suberitida 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Phylum: Porifera
Classis: Demospongiae
Subclassis: Heteroscleromorpha
Ordo: Suberitida

Familia: Suberitidae
Genus: Suberites
Species: Suberites luna


Suberites luna Giraldes & Goodwin in Giraldes et al., 2020: 7

  • Holotype: NHMUK 2020.3.26.3 (schizotype: ESC-QU 0067), collected in May 2018.
  • Type locality: “Al-Khor, Qatar, Arabian-Persian Gulf, 25.69502778, 51.54694444, < 1m”.
  • Paratypes (4): NHMUK 2020.3.26.4 (paraschizotype ESC-QU 00419), “Al-Khor, Qatar, Arabian-Persian Gulf, 25.749228, 51.539267, 1.5 m”, coll. in June 2015, 1 specimen; ESC-QU 01432, ESC-QU 01436 and ESC-QU 01437, “Al-Dhakira Qatar, Arabian-Persian Gulf, 25.749228, 51.539267, 1–2 m”, coll. in May 2018, 3 specimens.
  • Etymology: species was nicknamed the ‘moon-surface sponge’ by the collectors due to its appearance. The name reflects both this and the importance of the moon in the Muslim culture
  • ZooBank: 174C5AD0-3132-4D07-A172-2014A77CBDC8


Primary references

  • Giraldes, B.W., Goodwin, C., Al-Fardi, N.A.A., Engmann, A., Leitão, A., Ahmed, A.A., Ahmed, K.O., Abdulkader, H.A., Al-Korbi, H.A., Al Easa, H.S.S., Eltai, N.O.A. & Hanifi-Moghaddam, P. 2020. Two new sponge species (Demospongiae: Chalinidae and Suberitidae) isolated from hyperarid mangroves of Qatar with notes on their potential antibacterial bioactivity. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232205. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232205 Open access Reference page. 
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