See also: Appendix:Variations of "ala"
Alternative forms
- ăl (uncommon, mostly used as adjective or article)
From the original form, ăl (with an -a added for use as a post-position adjective and pronoun, as with ăsta, acela, acesta), from Latin illum, from ille.
- IPA(key): [ˈə.la]
Usage notes
Ăla is the informal form of acel and is only used in post-position, following a noun in the definite form.
- studentul ăla - that student (male)
- studenta aia - that student (female)
- bărbații ăia - those men
- femeile alea - those women
- (informal) that one
- Ăla a spus că vrea să meargă cu noi. ― That one said he wants to go with us.
- Aia e foarte frumoasă. ― That one is very beautiful.
- Ăia sunt cam scumpi. ― Those are rather expensive.
- Alea nu mai au nici o valoare. ― Those have no value anymore.
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