- 2nd person plural present indicative form of īsināt
īsināt tr., 3rd conj., pres. īsinu, īsini, īsina, past īsināju
- (of long objects) to shorten, to make short, shorter
- īsināt svārkus, piedurknes, aizkarus ― to shorten a skirt, sleeves, curtains
- (of texts) to shorten, to abridge
- īsināt rakstu ― to shorten the article
- filmu uzņemot, nācās īsināt scenāriju ― (while) shooting the film, it became necessary to abridge the script
- esam saņēmuši klasiska darba īsinātu variantu ― we have received the abridged version of a classic work
- (of events, periods of time) to make less boring, to make time pass faster
- vīri, laiku īsinādami, smēķēja ― the men, (in order to) kill (lit. shorten) time, were smoking
- lai īsinātu ceļu un uzmundrinātu ceļa biedri, viņš sāka stāstīt anekdotiskus gadījumus ― to shorten the road (= to make time pass faster during the trip) and to cheer up his travel mates, he began to tell jokes
conjugation of īsināt
Derived terms
- paīsināt
- saīsināt
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