
See also: inat and inåt




  1. causative or factitive, from verbs
    audzināt (to raise, bring up) < augt (to grow)
    raudināt (to make cry) < raudāt (to cry)
    biedināt (to scare, frighten) < biedēt (to scare, frighten)
    kurināt < kurt
    cepināt (to grill, bake (for long time)) < cept (to bake, roast, fry)
  2. causative or factitive, from adjectives
    nabadzināt (to make poor) < nabags (poor)
    saldināt (to sweeten) < salds (sweet)
    biezināt (to thicken) < biezs (thick)
    mazināt (to reduce) < mazs (small)
    īsināt (shorten) < īss (short)
  3. causative or factitive, from nouns (sometimes)
    dievināt (to deify, idolize) < dievs (god)

Derived terms

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