See also: αξιό-
From Ancient Greek ἄξιος (áxios).
- IPA(key): /ˈaksio/
αξιο- • (axio-)
- added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something that is worthy or deserving:
- αξιο- (axio-) + σημειώνω (simeióno, “to note”) → αξιοσημείωτος (axiosimeíotos, “noteworthy, remarkable, notable”)
- αξιο- (axio-) + αγαπώ (agapó, “to love”) → αξιαγάπητος (axiagápitos, “lovable”)
- αξιο- (axio-) + γελάω (geláo, “to laugh”) → αξιογέλαστος (axiogélastos, “laughable, ridiculous”)
- αξιο- (axio-) + ζηλεύω (zilévo, “to envy, to be jealous”) → αξιοζήλευτος (axiozíleftos, “enviable”)
- αξιο- (axio-) + θεατός (theatós, “visible, in view”) → αξιοθέατο (axiothéato, “sight, attraction”)
- αξιο- (axio-) + θρηνώ (thrinó, “to lament, to mourn”) → αξιοθρήνητος (axiothrínitos, “lamentable, deplorable”)
- αξιο- (axio-) + πίστη (písti, “faith, belief”) → αξιόπιστος (axiópistos, “reliable, trustworthy”)
- αξιο- (axio-) + -πρεπής (-prepís, “suitable, appropriate”) → αξιοπρέπεια (axioprépeia, “dignity”)
- αξιο- (axio-) + -κρατία (-kratía, “-cracy”) → αξιοκρατία (axiokratía, “meritocracy”)
Derived terms
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Greek_words_prefixed_with_%CE%B1%CE%BE%CE%B9%CE%BF-' title='Category:Greek words prefixed with αξιο-'>Greek words prefixed with αξιο-</a>
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Greek_words_prefixed_with_%CE%B1%CE%BE%CE%B9%CF%8C-' title='Category:Greek words prefixed with αξιό-'>Greek words prefixed with αξιό-</a>
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Greek_words_prefixed_with_%CE%B1%CE%BE%CE%B9-' title='Category:Greek words prefixed with αξι-'>Greek words prefixed with αξι-</a>
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