Alternative forms
- вземам (vzemam)
- IPA(key): /ˈvziməm/
взимам • (vzímam) impf (perfective взе́ма)
- (transitive) to take (to grasp with the hands)
- Тя взе детето в ръцете си и го целуна. - She took the child in her arms and kissed him.
- (transitive) to take or carry with oneself when going from one place to another
- Забравих да си взема чантанта, когато отивах до магазина. ― Zabravih da si vzema čantanta, kogato otivah do magazina. ― I forgot to take my bag with me when I went to the store.
- Когато отиваха до Варна, ни взеха със себе си. ― Kogato otivaha do Varna, ni vzeha sǎs sebe si. ― When they were going to Varna, they took us with them.
- (transitive) to take (to get something into one's possession without permission or by mistake)
- Някой ми е взел книгата. ― Njakoj mi e vzel knigata. ― Someone has taken my book.
- (transitive) to take (to capture a place or person, to get control of something)
- Взеха го за заложник. ― Vzeha go za založnik. ― They took him hostage.
- (transitive) to take (to get something from somewhere)
- Учените взимат водни проби от реката. ― Učenite vzimat vodni probi ot rekata. ― The scientists are taking water samples from the river.
- От къде взехте тези ягоди? ― Ot kǎde vzehte tezi jagodi? ― Where did you get these strawberries from?
- (transitive) to take (to choose, to buy)
- Ще взема черните панталони. ― Šte vzema černite pantaloni. ― I'll take the black trousers.
- (transitive) to take (to ingest medicine, drugs, etc)
- Взимам аспирин всеки ден, за да си разредя кръвта. ― Vzimam aspirin vseki den, za da si razredja krǎvta. ― I take aspirin every day to thin my blood.
- (transitive) to take (to accept)
- Ако ми предложат работата, ще я взема. ― Ako mi predložat rabotata, šte ja vzema. ― If they offer me the job, I'll take it.
- (transitive) to take (to assume or interpret to be, to consider)
- За глупак ли ме взимаш? ― Za glupak li me vzimaš? ― Do you take me for a fool?
- Като го видях да влиза в стаята, го взех за баща му. ― Kato go vidjah da vliza v stajata, go vzeh za bašta mu. ― Looking at him as he came into the room, I took him for his father.
- (transitive) to pass an exam
- Взе ли шофьорския изпит? ― Vze li šofjorskija izpit? ― Did you pass your driving test?
- (transitive) to take (to use)
- Template:Ux
- (transitive) to hire
- Взеха го на работа в компанията. ― Vzeha go na rabota v kompanijata. ― He was hired to work at the company.
- (transitive) to bring home, to collect
- Тя отиде да вземе сина си от училище. ― Tja otide da vzeme sina si ot učilište. ― She's gone to collect her son from school.
- (transitive) to allow somebody or something to stay at your home, to take in
- Намерих това коте на улицата и го взех да го гледам. ― Namerih tova kote na ulicata i go vzeh da go gledam. ― I found this kitty in the street and I took it in to look after it.
- взимам квартиранти ― vzimam kvartiranti ― to take in lodgers
- (transitive) to earn (to receive money for working)
- Колко взимаш на месец? ― Kolko vzimaš na mesec? ― How much do you earn a month?
- (transitive) to marry, to take as wife or husband
- Кой ще я вземе такава грозница? ― Koj šte ja vzeme takava groznica? ― Who will marry such an ugly woman?
- (transitive, intransitive) to learn about something at school, to have studied a particular material
- Този материал все още не сме го взимали. ― Tozi material vse ošte ne sme go vzimali. ― We haven't studied that material yet.
- Днес взехме за втората световна война. ― Dnes vzehme za vtorata svetovna vojna. ― Yesterday, we learned about the Second World War.
- (intransitive) to begin/start to do something
- Взе да вали. ― Vze da vali. ― It started raining.
- Взе да пише по-бързо. ― Vze da piše po-bǎrzo. ― He/She started writing faster.
participles | present active participle | past active aorist participle | past active imperfect participle | past passive participle | verbal noun | adverbial participle | |
masculine | indefinite | взимащ | взимал | взимал | взиман | взимайки | |
definite subject form | взимащият | взималият | — | взиманият | |||
definite object form | взимащия | взималия | — | взимания | |||
feminine | indefinite | взимаща | взимала | взимала | взимана | ||
definite | взимащата | взималата | — | взиманата | |||
neuter | indefinite | взимащо | взимало | взимало | взимано | взимане | |
definite | взимащото | взималото | — | взиманото | взимането | ||
plural | indefinite | взимащи | взимали | взимали | взимани | взимания-нета | |
definite | взимащите | взималите | — | взиманите | взиманията-нетата |
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | аз | ти | той/тя/то | ние | вие | те | |
present | взимам | взимаш | взима | взимаме | взимате | взимат | |
imperfect | взимах | взимаше | взимаше | взимахме | взимахте | взимаха | |
aorist | взимах | взима | взима | взимахме | взимахте | взимаха | |
future | pos. | Use ще followed by the present indicative tense | |||||
neg. | Use няма да followed by the present indicative tense | ||||||
future in the past | pos. | Use the imperfect indicative tense of ща followed by да and the present indicative tense | |||||
neg. | Use нямаше да followed by the present indicative tense | ||||||
present perfect | Use the present indicative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
past perfect | Use the impefect indicative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
future perfect | Use the future indicative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
future perfect in the past | Use the future in the past indicative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
renarrative | аз | ти | той/тя/то | ние | вие | те | |
present and imperfect | Use the present indicative tense of съм (leave it out in third person) and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
aorist | Use the present indicative tense of съм (leave it out in third person) and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
future and future in the past | pos. | Use the present/imperfect renarrative tense of ща followed by да and the present indicative tense | |||||
neg. | Use нямало да and the present indicative tense | ||||||
present and past perfect | Use the present/imperfect renarrative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
future perfect and future perfect in the past | Use the future/future in the past renarrative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
dubitative | аз | ти | той/тя/то | ние | вие | те | |
present and mperfect | Use the present/imperfect renarrative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
aorist | Use the aorist renarrative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
future and future in the past | pos. | Use the present/imperfect dubitative tense of ща followed by да and the present indicative tense | |||||
neg. | Use нямало било да and the present indicative tense | ||||||
present and past perfect | |||||||
future perfect and future perfect in the past | Use the future/future in the past dubitative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
conclusive | аз | ти | той/тя/то | ние | вие | те | |
present and imperfect | Use the present indicative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
aorist | Use the present indicative tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
future and future in the past | pos. | Use the present/imperfect conclusive tense of ща followed by да and the present indicative tense | |||||
neg. | Use нямало е да and the present indicative tense | ||||||
present and past perfect | Use the present/imperfect conclusive tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
future perfect and future perfect in the past | Use the future/future in the past conclusive tense of съм and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | ||||||
conditional | аз | ти | той/тя/то | ние | вие | те | |
Use the first aorist indicative tense of бъда and взимал m, взимала f, взимало n, or взимали pl | |||||||
imperative | - | ти | - | - | вие | - | |
взимай | взимайте |
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