See also: -но and Appendix:Variations of "no"
но • (no)
- used to introduce a word or phrase that adds something to a previous statement and contrasts with it in some way: but
- Смята да посети Бостън и Чикаго, но не Ню Йорк. ― Smjata da poseti Bostǎn i Čikago, no ne Nju Jork. ― He plans to visit Boston and Chicago, but not New York.
- Аз не я познавам, но съпругът ми я познава. ― Az ne ja poznavam, no sǎprugǎt mi ja poznava. ― I don't know her, but my husband does.
- Съжалявам, но няма да мога да ти помогна. ― Sǎžaljavam, no njama da moga da ti pomogna. ― I'm sorry, but I won't be able to help you.
- but (however, although)
- На края на деня бяхме уморени, но щастливи. ― Na kraja na denja bjahme umoreni, no štastlivi. ― By the end of the day we were tired but happy.
- Падна, но не се нарани. ― Padna, no ne se narani. ― He fell but he wasn't hurt.
- Казах му да остане, но той отказа. ― Kazah mu da ostane, no toj otkaza. ― I told him to stay, but he refused to.
- used at the beginning of a sentence that expresses surprise, annoyance, shock, disagreement, etc.: but
- Но това е невъзможно! ― No tova e nevǎzmožno! ― But that's not possible!
- Но ти обеща, че ще ми помогнеш. ― No ti obešta, če šte mi pomogneš. ― But you promised that you would help me.
Etymology 1
From Proto-Slavic *no, *nu (Russian но (no), ну (nu)), from Proto-Balto-Slavic (Lithuanian nu), from Proto-Indo-European *nū (“now”) (Latin nun-c, Ancient Greek νῦν (nûn)).
- IPA(key): /no/
но (Latin spelling no)
- (after a comparative, obsolete, expressively) than (=не̏го, о̏д)
- бољи но он ― better than him
- → (= modern) бољи него он/бољи од њега ― better than him
- → (= modern)
- Изгледаш боље но икад. ― You' re looking better than ever.
- Прорачунски мањак Грчке у био је значајно већи но што је влада проц(иј)енила. ― Greece's budget deficit was significantly bigger than the government had estimated.
- (denoting exclusion) but, however
- Погрешно, но био си доста близу. ― Wrong, but you were pretty close.
- Но ос(ј)ећам само срећу. ― But I can' t feel anything but happy.
- Текст није савршен, но није ли могао бити бољи? ― The text is not perfect, but could it have been better?
Etymology 2
From Japanese.
- IPA(key): /nôː/
но̑ m (Latin spelling nȏ)
- (theater) This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text
Etymology 3
From the conjunction но.
- IPA(key): /no/
но (Latin spelling no)
- (in a dialog, when responding to the interlocutor) damn right!, you bet! very much so!
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