
See also: -но and Appendix:Variations of "no"



  • (stressed) IPA(key): /nɔ/
  • (unstressed) IPA(key): /no̝/


но (no)

  1. used to introduce a word or phrase that adds something to a previous statement and contrasts with it in some way: but
    Смята да посети Бостън и Чикаго, но не Ню Йорк.Smjata da poseti Bostǎn i Čikago, no ne Nju Jork.He plans to visit Boston and Chicago, but not New York.
    Аз не я познавам, но съпругът ми я познава.Az ne ja poznavam, no sǎprugǎt mi ja poznava.I don't know her, but my husband does.
    Съжалявам, но няма да мога да ти помогна.Sǎžaljavam, no njama da moga da ti pomogna.I'm sorry, but I won't be able to help you.
  2. but (however, although)
    На края на деня бяхме уморени, но щастливи.Na kraja na denja bjahme umoreni, no štastlivi.By the end of the day we were tired but happy.
    Падна, но не се нарани.Padna, no ne se narani.He fell but he wasn't hurt.
    Казах му да остане, но той отказа.Kazah mu da ostane, no toj otkaza.I told him to stay, but he refused to.
  3. used at the beginning of a sentence that expresses surprise, annoyance, shock, disagreement, etc.: but
    Но това е невъзможно!No tova e nevǎzmožno!But that's not possible!
    Но ти обеща, че ще ми помогнеш.No ti obešta, če šte mi pomogneš.But you promised that you would help me.




но (no)

  1. but

Usage notes

  • This word sounds somewhat bookish and is colloquially often replaced with "ама".



  • IPA(key): [no]
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -o


но (no)

  1. but, yet


но (no) n inan (indeclinable)

  1. but
    Есть ма́ленькое «но́»Jestʹ málenʹkoje “There is a slight objection.
    Никаки́х «но́»!Nikakíx “”!But me no buts!

Etymology 2

Borrowed from Japanese (のう, Nō).


но (no) m inan (indeclinable)

  1. Noh


но (no)

  1. same as но́-о-о (nó-o-o)


Etymology 1

From Proto-Slavic *no, *nu (Russian но (no), ну (nu)), from Proto-Balto-Slavic (Lithuanian nu), from Proto-Indo-European *nū (now) (Latin nun-c, Ancient Greek νῦν (nûn)).



но (Latin spelling no)

  1. (after a comparative, obsolete, expressively) than (=не̏го, о̏д)
    бољи но онbetter than him
    → (= modern)
    бољи него он/бољи од његаbetter than him
    Изгледаш боље но икад.You' re looking better than ever.
    Прорачунски мањак Грчке у био је значајно већи но што је влада проц(иј)енила.Greece's budget deficit was significantly bigger than the government had estimated.
  2. (denoting exclusion) but, however
    Погрешно, но био си доста близу.Wrong, but you were pretty close.
    Но ос(ј)ећам само срећу.But I can' t feel anything but happy.
    Текст није савршен, но није ли могао бити бољи?The text is not perfect, but could it have been better?

Etymology 2

From Japanese.


  • IPA(key): /nôː/


но̑ m (Latin spelling )

  1. (theater) This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.

Etymology 3

From the conjunction но.



но (Latin spelling no)

  1. (in a dialog, when responding to the interlocutor) damn right!, you bet! very much so!


  • но” in Hrvatski jezični portal
  • но” in Hrvatski jezični portal
  • но” in Hrvatski jezični portal
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