


From the root م ك ن (m-k-n).


تَمَكَّنَ (tamakkana) V, non-past يَتَمَكَّنُ‎ (yatamakkanu)

  1. to be influent
  2. to be able to, to be in the position to [+ مِن (object)]
    • 2017 December 28, “التايمز تكشف عن مخبأ الآلاف من إرهابيي داعش الأجانب”, in The Baghdad Post:
      ويشار بحسب المجلة، بان اعداد إرهابيي داعش الأجانب ما زال كبيرا جدا على الرغم من التقديرات التي ترجح مقتل الآلاف منهم، حيث تظهر البيانات المجموعة من 33 دولة لها مواطنين يقاتلون مع عصابات داعش الإرهابية، ان ما يزيد عن 6000 منهم قد تمكنوا من العودة الى بلدانهم، فيما تصل اعداد الغائبين إلى الآلاف المضاعفة.
      It is shown by the magazine that the number of foreign ISIS terrorists has not ceased to be very large in spite of assessments that affirm the death of thousands of them as likely, whereas the data gathered from 33 states to which citizens fighting for terrorist ISIS groups belong reveals that more than 6000 of them have had the opportunity of returning to their homelands, while the number of absentees has reached several thousands.
  3. to master, to take the power over [+ مِن (object)] or [+accusative]



تَمَكُّن (tamakkun) m

  1. power, might
    1. capability, ability
    2. control, mastery



تُمْكِنُ (tumkinu) (form IV)

  1. second-person masculine singular non-past active indicative of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  2. third-person feminine singular non-past active indicative of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)


تُمْكِنَ (tumkina) (form IV)

  1. second-person masculine singular non-past active subjunctive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  2. third-person feminine singular non-past active subjunctive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)


تُمْكِنْ (tumkin) (form IV)

  1. second-person masculine singular non-past active jussive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  2. third-person feminine singular non-past active jussive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)


تُمْكَنُ (tumkanu) (form IV)

  1. second-person masculine singular non-past passive indicative of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  2. third-person feminine singular non-past passive indicative of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)


تُمْكَنَ (tumkana) (form IV)

  1. second-person masculine singular non-past passive subjunctive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  2. third-person feminine singular non-past passive subjunctive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)


تُمْكَنْ (tumkan) (form IV)

  1. second-person masculine singular non-past passive jussive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  2. third-person feminine singular non-past passive jussive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)


تُمْكِنَّ (tumkinna) (form IV)

  1. second-person feminine plural non-past active indicative of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  2. second-person feminine plural non-past active subjunctive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  3. second-person feminine plural non-past active jussive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)


تُمْكَنَّ (tumkanna) (form IV)

  1. second-person feminine plural non-past passive indicative of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  2. second-person feminine plural non-past passive subjunctive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)
  3. second-person feminine plural non-past passive jussive of أَمْكَنَ (ʾamkana)


  • Kazimirski, Albin de Biberstein (1860), تمكن”, in Dictionnaire arabe-français contenant toutes les racines de la langue arabe, leurs dérivés, tant dans l’idiome vulgaire que dans l’idiome littéral, ainsi que les dialectes d’Alger et de Maroc (in French), volume 2, Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie, page 1139
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