

seven dusk; evening
simp. and trad.


Proper noun


  1. (~節) Qixi Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day, which falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month


Dialectal synonyms of 七夕 (“Qixi Festival”) [map]
Variety Location Words
Formal (Written Standard Chinese) 七夕
Mandarin Taiwan 七夕
Harbin 七月七
Jinan 七月七
Muping 七月兒七
Luoyang 祈巧節, 七月七
Wanrong 七月七
Xi'an 七月七
Xining 乞巧, 七月七
Xuzhou 七月七
Yinchuan 七夕, 乞巧節
Lanzhou 七月七
Ürümqi 七月七
Wuhan 七月七
Chengdu 七月初七, 七月七, 乞巧節
Guiyang 七月初七, 七月七
Liuzhou 七月七
Yangzhou 七巧
Nanjing 七月七, 七巧
Cantonese Guangzhou 七姐節
Hong Kong 七姐誕, 七夕
Dongguan 七月初七
Gan Lichuan 七夕
Pingxiang 七月七
Hakka Miaoli (N. Sixian) 七月七, 七娘生
Liudui (S. Sixian) 七月七, 七娘生
Hsinchu (Hailu) 七月七, 七娘生
Dongshi (Dabu) 七月七, 七星娘生, 七娘生
Hsinchu (Raoping) 七月七, 七娘生
Yunlin (Zhao'an) 七月七, 七娘生
Huizhou Jixi 七月七
Jin Taiyuan 七月七
Xinzhou 七月兒七
Min Bei Jian'ou 七月七
Min Dong Fuzhou 七月七, 七月七夕
Min Nan Xiamen 七娘媽生
Quanzhou 七娘媽生
Zhangzhou 七娘媽生
Taipei 七娘媽生
Kaohsiung 七娘媽生
Tainan 七娘媽生
Taichung 七娘媽生
Wuqi 七娘媽生
Hsinchu 七娘媽生
Taitung 七夕
Lukang 七娘媽生
Yilan 七夕
Magong 七夕
Haikou 七月初七暝
Pinghua Nanning 拜七姐
Wu Shanghai 七月七, 七巧日, 七巧節
Suzhou 七夕, 七月七
Hangzhou 七巧
Wenzhou 七月七
Chongming 七月七
Danyang 七巧, 七夕
Jinhua 七月七
Ningbo 七月七
Xiang Changsha 七巧節

Derived terms

  • 七夕乞巧
  • 七夕紅七夕红
  • 七夕錢七夕钱
  • 七夕鍼


Sino-Xenic (七夕):


Etymology 1

七夕: Tanabata in Sendai, 2005
Kanji in this term
Grade: 1 Grade: 1

Origins somewhat obscure.

The latter bata portion is generally accepted to be from (hata, a loom). The hata reading for changes to bata as an instance of rendaku (連濁).

The former tana portion may be from (tana, a shelf, or a board placed lengthwise in a bridge), in reference to an ancient ritual whereby a maiden would weave a special cloth on a hata in order to secure a bountiful harvest, as an offering for a god coming across a body of water via a tana. A related theory states that tana is instead an alteration of (tane, seed). Yet another theory states that tana is an alteration of (ta, hand, unbound Old Japanese form) + (na, Old Japanese possessive particle superseded by no).[1]

The common spelling of 七夕 is an example of jukujikun, since the festival is held on the seventh night of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, now generally observed on 7 July.


  • (Irregular reading)

Alternative forms


七夕 (hiragana たなばた, rōmaji tanabata)

  1. a type of loom (the original meaning)
  2. a type of weaving
  3. by extension, a weaver
  4. (figuratively) any extremely rare visit, or the person so visiting

Proper noun

七夕 (hiragana たなばた, rōmaji Tanabata)

  1. the Tanabata Japanese star festival, observed on 7 July
  • 七夕 (たなばた) (まつ) (Tanabata matsuri)
  •  (ほし) (まつ) (Hoshi matsuri)
  • 七日 (なぬか) (ぼん) (Nanuka Bon)

Further reading

Etymology 2

Kanji in this term
Grade: 1
Grade: 1

From Middle Chinese compound 七夕 (MC t͡sʰiɪt̚ ziᴇk̚, literally “seventh evening”). Compare modern Mandarin 七夕 (Qīxī).


Proper noun

七夕 (hiragana しちせき, rōmaji Shichiseki)

  1. the Tanabata Japanese star festival, observed on 7 July
  2. the Chinese Qīxī Festival, also sometimes referred to as the Double Seventh Festival


  1. 1988, 国語大辞典(新装版) (Kokugo Dai Jiten, Revised Edition) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan
  2. 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN


Hanja in this term


七夕 (chilseok) (hangeul 칠석)

  1. Hanja form? of 칠석 (Qixi).


Hán tự in this word



  1. Hán tự form of Thất Tịch (Qixi).
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