Han character
種 (radical 115, 禾+9, 14 strokes, cangjie input 竹木竹十土 (HDHJG), four-corner 22914, composition ⿰禾重)
Derived characters
- 𭢸, 𮃲, 𡽯, 𧀑, 𥵾, 㘒
- KangXi: page 856, character 16
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 25174
- Dae Jaweon: page 1281, character 33
- Hanyu Da Zidian: volume 4, page 2617, character 17
- Unihan data for U+7A2E
trad. | 種 | |
simp. | 种* | |
variant forms | 𥡰 𥢖 𦔉 |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 種 |
Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) |
Small seal script |
![]() |
Characters in the same phonetic series (重) (Zhengzhang, 2003) | |
Old Chinese | |
撞 | *rdoːŋ, *rdoːŋs |
幢 | *rdoːŋ, *rdoːŋs |
橦 | *rdoːŋ, *doːŋ, *tjoŋ |
噇 | *rdoːŋ |
𩪘 | *rdoːŋ |
艟 | *rdoːŋs, *tʰjoŋ |
憧 | *rdoːŋs, *tʰjoŋ |
畽 | *tʰoːnʔ, *tʰuːnʔ |
董 | *toːŋʔ |
蕫 | *toːŋʔ, *doːŋ |
箽 | *toːŋʔ |
懂 | *toːŋʔ |
湩 | *toːŋs, *tuːŋʔ, *toŋs |
曈 | *tʰoːŋ, *tʰoːŋʔ, *doːŋ |
童 | *doːŋ |
僮 | *doːŋ |
瞳 | *doːŋ |
罿 | *doːŋ, *tʰjoŋ |
犝 | *doːŋ |
潼 | *doːŋ, *tʰjoŋ |
穜 | *doːŋ, *doŋ |
動 | *doːŋʔ |
慟 | *doːŋs |
堹 | *toŋs |
諥 | *toŋs |
蹱 | *tʰoŋ, *tʰoŋs, *tjoŋ |
重 | *doŋ, *doŋʔ, *doŋs |
緟 | *doŋ, *doŋs |
蝩 | *doŋ |
褈 | *doŋ, *tʰjoŋ |
鐘 | *tjoŋ, *tjoŋ |
鍾 | *tjoŋ |
籦 | *tjoŋ |
種 | *tjoŋʔ, *tjoŋs |
腫 | *tjoŋʔ |
踵 | *tjoŋʔ |
歱 | *tjoŋʔ |
喠 | *tjoŋʔ, *tʰjoŋʔ |
偅 | *tjoŋs |
衝 | *tʰjoŋ |
揰 | *tʰjoŋs |
尰 | *djoŋʔ |
Phono-semantic compound (形聲, OC *tjoŋʔ, *tjoŋs) : semantic 禾 + phonetic 重 (OC *doŋ, *doŋʔ, *doŋs).
Perhaps Sino-Tibetan: Chepang [script needed] (tuŋʔ-, “to plant”), दुङ् (duŋ, “shoot; sprout”), दुङ्सा (duŋ-, “to sprout; to grow”). Compare 腫 (OC *tjoŋʔ, “to swell”) and 踵 (OC *tjoŋʔ, “heel”).
Related to Proto-Vietic *k-coːŋʔ (“seed”) (Vietnamese giống (“seed”)), which is likely a loanword from Chinese (Wang, 1948).
Pronunciation 1
- seed; kernel; cereal
- clan; ethnic group; ethnicity; race
- species; breed
- kind; sort; type
- Classifier for varieties: kind; sort; type ⇒ all nouns using this classifier
- 難忘妳對我那種體貼入微,時時刻刻腦海中都緊記 [Literary Cantonese, trad.]
- naan4 mong4 nei5 deoi3 ngo5 naa5 zung2 tai2 tip3 jap6 mei4, si4 si4 hak1 hak1 nou5 hoi2 zung1 dou1 gan2 gei3 [Jyutping]
- I can't forget that attention you gave me; it's still stuck fast in my mind all the time
难忘你对我那种体贴入微,时时刻刻脑海中都紧记 [Literary Cantonese, simp.]
- (colloquial) guts; grit
- A surname.
Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation 3
Etymology 1
Kanji in this term |
種 |
たね Grade: 4 |
kun’yomi |
From Old Japanese.
Possibly related to Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *tanəm; compare Indonesian tanam, Malay tanam (“to plant, bury”); Chamorro tanom (“to plant”), Samoan tanu (“to bury”); Cebuano tanum (“plant”). Another proposal connects this word with Proto-Indo-European *dʰoHnéh₂ (“grain”); compare Sanskrit धाना (dhānā́, “grain”), Lithuanian dúona (“bread”), Tocharian B tāno (“grain”).
Alternative forms
- (bloodline, lineage): 胤
種 (hiragana たね, katakana タネ, rōmaji tane)
- a seed
- Synonym: 種子 (shushi)
- a pit or stone in a fruit
- Synonym: 実 (sane)
- a gamete (reproductive cell such as a spermatozoan or egg)
- a lineage, bloodline
- an origin, cause
- the materials or ingredients from which something is made
- capital, funds, seed money
- Synonyms: 元金 (gankin, motokin), 元手 (motode)
Derived terms
- 種明かし (taneakashi)
- 種井 (tanei), 種井 (tanai)
- 種板 (taneita)
- 種芋 (taneimo)
- 種牛 (taneushi)
- 種馬 (taneuma)
- 種選び (tane erabi)
- 種下ろし (tane-oroshi)
- 種案山子 (tane kakashi)
- 種貸し (tanekashi)
- 種子島 (Tanegashima)
- 種紙 (tanegami)
- 種川 (Tanekawa)
- 種変り, 種変わり (tane-gawari)
- 種切れ (tanegire)
- 種菌 (tanekin)
- 種麹 (tane kōji)
- 種肥 (tanegoe)
- 種差 (Tanesashi)
- 種字 (taneji)
- 種酢 (tanezu)
- 種銭 (tanesen)
- 種田 (taneda)
- 種卵 (tane tamago)
- 種俵 (tane-dawara)
- 種違い (tanechigai)
- 種付け (tanetsuke)
- 種付け (tanetsuke)
- 種漬, 種漬け (tanetsuke)
- 種土 (tanetsuchi)
- 種壺 (tanetsubo)
- 種取り (tanetori)
- 種無し (tanenashi)
- 種蠅 (tanebae)
- 種子鋏 (tane‐basami)
- 種腹 (tanehara)
- 種版, 種板 (taneban)
- 種火 (tanebi)
- 種浸し (tane hitashi)
- 種瓢 (tane fukube)
- 種豚 (tanebuta)
- 種本 (tanehon)
- 種蒔き, 種播き (tanemaki)
- 種繭 (tanemayu)
- 種雌牛 (tane mesuushi)
- 種物 (tanemono)
- 種籾 (tanemomi)
- 種屋 (taneya)
- 種山 (Taneyama)
- 種綿 (tanewata)
- 煎り種, 炒り種 (iridane)
- 噂の種 (uwasa no tane)
- 粔籹種 (okoshi-dane)
- 御種人参 (otane ninjin)
- 柿の種 (kaki no tane)
- 菓子種 (kashidane)
- ガラス種 (garasu-dane)
- 変り種, 変わり種 (kawari-dane)
- 客種 (kyaku-dane)
- 黒種 (kurodane)
- 黒種子草 (kurotanesō)
- 子種 (kodane)
- 零れ種 (koboredane)
- 質種 (shichidane)
- 癪の種 (shaku no tane)
- 新聞種 (shinbun-dane)
- 鮨種 (sushidane)
- 頭痛の種 (zutsū no tane)
- 西洋種 (seiyō‐dane)
- 艶種 (tsuyadane)
- 特種 (tokudane)
- 菜種 (natane)
- 生種 (namadane)
- 話の種 (hanashi no tane)
- 花種 (hanadane)
- パン種 (pan-dane)
- 火種 (hidane)
- 人種 (hitodane)
- 一粒種 (hitotsubu-dane)
- 服種 (bukudane)
- フシギダネ (Fushigidane)
- 混じり種, 雑じり種 (majiridane)
- 飯の種 (meshi no tane)
- 元種 (motodane)
- 物種 (monodane)
- 籾種 (momidane)
- 矢種 (yadane)
- 斎種 (yudane)
- 綿種 (watadane)
- 椀種 (wandane)
- 種が割れる (tane ga wareru, “crack seeds → realize truth”)
- 種を蒔く (tane o maku, “sow seeds → make a cause”)
- 種を宿す (tane o yadosu, “plant a seed → conceive”)
- 種も仕掛けもない (tane mo shikake mo nai)
- 商いは草の種 (akinai wa kusa no tane, “trade is a grass seed”)
- 苦は楽の種 (ku wa raku no tane, “pain is the seed of suffering → hardship leads to happiness”)
- 権兵衛が種まきゃ烏がほじくる (Gonbē ga tane makya karasu ga hojikuru)
- 品玉も種から (shinadama mo tane kara, “seeds from above → nothing is done without preparation”)
- 生業は草の種 (sugiwai wa kusa no tane, “livelihood is a seed of grass”)
- 貧は菩提の種富は輪廻の絆 (hin wa bodai no tane tomi wa rinne no kizuna, “poverty leads to awakening, wealth bonds to rebirth”)
- 蒔かぬ種は生えぬ (makanu tane wa haenu, “unplanted seed does not grow → no merit without effort”)
- 楽は苦の種苦は楽の種 (raku wa ku no tane ku wa raku no tane, “pleasure is the seed of pain, pain is the seed of pleasure → something must come from something”)
Etymology 2
Kanji in this term |
種 |
くさ Grade: 4 |
kun’yomi |
From Old Japanese.
Possibly derived from or cognate with 草 (kusa, “grass”), from the way grass is grown from seeds, hence their origin.
Alternative forms
- (cause of something): 草
Derived terms
- 種種, 種々 (kusagusa)
- 遊び種 (asobi-gusa)
- 扱い種 (atsukaigusa)
- 言い種 (iigusa)
- 思い種 (omoigusa)
- 託ち種 (kakochigusa)
- 語り種 (katarigusa), 語らい種 (kataraigusa)
- 言種 (kotogusa)
- 言の葉種 (kotonoha-gusa)
- 仕種, 為種 (shigusa)
- 質種 (shichigusa)
- 偲ぶ種 (shinobu-gusa)
- 謗り種 (soshirigusa)
- 染め種 (somekusa)
- 力種 (chikaragusa)
- 千種 (chikusa), 千種 (chigusa)
- 茶飲み種 (chanomi-gusa)
- 手種 (tegusa)
- 慰み種 (nagusami-gusa)
- 慰め種 (nagusame‐gusa)
- 七種 (nanakusa)
- 祓種 (harae-gusa)
- 燃え種 (moekusa)
- 弄び種, 玩び種 (moteasobi-gusa)
- もて悩み種 (motenayami-gusa)
- 物種 (monogusa)
- 催し種 (moyooshi-gusa)
- 焼き種 (yakikusa)
- 忘れ種 (wasure-gusa)
- 笑い種 (waraigusa)
- 笑われ種 (waraware-gusa)
Derived terms
Etymology 3
Kanji in this term |
種 |
くさわい Grade: 4 |
kun’yomi |
⟨kusa papi1⟩ → * /kusapapʲi/ → /kusafafi/ → /kusawawʲi/ → /kusawai/
Compound of 種 (kusa, “origin; type”) + 這い (hai, “widely spread out”), the 連用形 (ren'yōkei, “stem or continuative form”) 這う (hau, “to spread out widely”).
Alternative forms
- 種わい
種 (hiragana くさわい, rōmaji kusawai, historical hiragana くさはひ)
Etymology 4
Kanji in this term |
種 |
しゅ Grade: 4 |
on’yomi |
/t͡ɕɨu/ → /ɕʲu/ → /ɕu/
From Middle Chinese 種 (MC t͡ɕɨoŋX).
Derived terms
種 (eum 종 (jong))
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text
Han character
種: Hán Việt readings: chủng (
種: Nôm readings: giống[1][2][3][6][5][4][7], chỏng[3][6][5][4][7], chõng[1][5][4][7], chủng[2][3][6][7], trồng[1][2][3], chổng[6][7], truồng[1], giuống[7]
- 芒種 (Mang chủng)
- Nguyễn (2014).
- Nguyễn et al. (2009).
- Trần (2004).
- Génibrel (1898).
- Bonet (1899).
- Hồ (1976).
- Taberd & Pigneau de Béhaine (1838).