Kanji in this term |
言 |
い Grade: 2 |
kun’yomi |
From Old Japanese.[1]
/ipu/ → /iɸu/ → /*iwu/ → /iu/
Medial /h/ regularly changed from [p] → [ɸ] → [w]. Japanese never distinguished between /wu/ and /u/, so that automatically becomes [u]. The /w/ only surfaces in the negative form of iwanai, where the phoneme /wa/ exists. Surface forms /iwimasu/ and /iwemasu/ automatically become /iimasu/ and /iemasu/ since Japanese no longer distinguishes /wi, we/ from /i, e/.
Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of "言う (いう)"
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary | |||
Stem forms | |||
Terminal (終止形) Attributive (連体形) |
言う | いう | [ìú] |
Imperative (命令形) | 言え | いえ | [ìé] |
Key constructions | |||
Passive | 言われる | いわれる | [ìwárérú] |
Causative | 言わせる | いわせる | [ìwásérú] |
Potential | 言える | いえる | [ìérú] |
Volitional | 言おう | いおー | [ìóꜜò] |
Negative | 言わない | いわない | [ìwánáí] |
Negative perfective | 言わなかった | いわなかった | [ìwánáꜜkàttà] |
Formal | 言います | いいます | [ìímáꜜsù] |
Perfective | 言った | いった | [ìttá] |
Conjunctive | 言って | いって | [ìtté] |
Hypothetical conditional | 言えば | いえば | [ìéꜜbà] |
Alternative forms
- 謂う, 云う
言う (transitive, godan conjugation, hiragana いう, rōmaji iu, alternative reading ゆう, rōmaji yuu, historical hiragana いふ)
- to say, to tell somebody
- circa 762, Shōsōin Man'yōgana Monjo
- 和可夜之奈比乃 可波利爾波 於保末之末須 美奈美乃末知奈流奴乎 宇氣與止 於保止己可都可佐乃比止伊布 之可流可由恵爾 序禮宇氣牟比止良 久流末毛太之米弖 末都利伊禮之米太末布日 與禮良毛伊太佐牟 之可毛己乃波古美於可牟毛 阿夜布可流 可由恵爾 波夜久末可利太末布日之 於保己可ツ可佐奈比氣奈波 比止乃太氣太可比止 □己止波宇氣都流
- (please add an English translation of this quote)
- circa 890, Taketori Monogatari (page 7)
- 「おのが生さぬ子なれば、心にも従はずなんある」と言ひて、月日過ぐす。
- 10th century: Ise Monogatari (chapter 6, page 84)
- 「あなや」といひけれど、神鳴るさはぎにえ聞かざりけり。
- アリスは私に休みたいと言った。
- Arisu wa watashi ni yasumitai to itta.
- Alice said to me that she wants to rest.
- 私が言うようにしなさい。
- Watashi ga iu yō ni shinasai.
- Do as I tell you.
- 彼は変だと言われた。
- Kare wa hen da to iwareta.
- He was told that he was strange.
- circa 762, Shōsōin Man'yōgana Monjo
- to call, to name, to give a name
- circa 890, Taketori Monogatari (page 3)
- いまは昔、竹取の翁といふもの有けり。
- Ima wa mukashi, Taketori no Okina to iu mono arikeri.
- (please add an English translation of this example)
- いまは昔、竹取の翁といふもの有けり。
- この動物は日本語で何と言いますか。
- Kono dōbutsu wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka.
- What do you call this animal in Japanese?
- ピリオドは、stop や full stop ともいい、平叙文・命令文の終わりに付ける。
- Piriodo wa, sutoppu ya furu sutoppu to mo ii, heijobun meireibun no owari ni tsukeru.
- A period, also called a stop or full stop, attaches to the end of a declarative or imperative sentence.
- circa 890, Taketori Monogatari (page 3)
Usage notes
As a transitive verb, this can take the usual accusative particle を (o) after the object of the verb. However, it is much more common to see this with the quotative particle と (to) instead.
- 言う迄もない (iu made mo nai): it goes without saying
- 言うに及ばず (iu ni oyobazu): it goes without saying; it isn't easy to say (not reaching the point of being easily expressed)
- 言うに足らず (iu ni tarazu): it isn't worth bringing up; it isn't easy to say (not sufficiently clear, not easily expressible)
- 言わん方無し (iwan kata nashi): no way of saying it
- 言わぬが花 (iwanu ga hana): “not saying it, is a flower” → it would be better to leave it unsaid
- 言わずもがな (iwazu mo gana): “not even saying would be preferable” (either because it is already known and doesn't need saying, or because not expressing it at all would be better)
Conjugation of "言う" (See Appendix:Japanese verbs.)
Stem forms | |||
Imperfective (未然形) | 言わ | いわ | iwa |
Continuative (連用形) | 言い | いい | ii |
Terminal (終止形) | 言う | いう | iu |
Attributive (連体形) | 言う | いう | iu |
Hypothetical (仮定形) | 言え | いえ | ie |
Imperative (命令形) | 言え | いえ | ie |
Key constructions | |||
Passive | 言われる | いわれる | iwareru |
Causative | 言わせる 言わす |
いわせる いわす |
iwaseru iwasu |
Potential | 言える | いえる | ieru |
Volitional | 言おう | いおう | iō |
Negative | 言わない | いわない | iwanai |
Negative continuative | 言わず | いわず | iwazu |
Formal | 言います | いいます | iimasu |
Perfective | 言った | いった | itta |
Conjunctive | 言って | いって | itte |
Hypothetical conditional | 言えば | いえば | ieba |
- 1988, 国語大辞典(新装版) (Kokugo Dai Jiten, Revised Edition) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan
- 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, ISBN 4-385-13905-9
- Horiuchi, Hideaki; Ken Akiyama (1997) Taketori Monogatari, Ise Monogatari, Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240017-4
- Takeuchi, Rizō (1962) Nara Ibun: Volume 3 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Tōkyōdō Shuppan, ISBN 978-4-490-30010-9.
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