ghost; sly; crafty | to raise (animals); livestock; domesticated animal; domestic animal | ||
simp. and trad. (鬼畜) |
鬼 | 畜 |
Etymology 2
Popularized by the Chinese title, “最终鬼畜蓝蓝路” (“Final Demon Ran-Ran-Rū”), of a Japanese parody video, 「M.C.ドナルドはダンスに夢中なのか?最終鬼畜道化師ドナルド・M」 (“M.C. Donald Was Obsessed with Dance? Final Demon Clown Ronald M.”), featuring repetitive edits of various soundbites from McDonald Japan commercials, including the phrase ran-ran-rū (“らんらんるー”/“藍藍路/蓝蓝路 (Lánlánlù)”), arranged into the tune of 「U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか」 (“U.N. Owen Was Her?”), a piece of background music from the Touhou Project.[1]
See also
- Japanese: MAD
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