See also: yaa


From Proto-Athabaskan *haɢ (to do, to make) in the perfective, from Proto-Athabaskan *ni (to do, to make) in the imperfective, future and optative, and from Proto-Athabaskan *enˀ (to do, to make) in the iterative (see -ʼĮĮD).

The stem initial undergoes a number of special alternations in presence of ł-classsifier and d-effect (see Stem Set section below).



 1. to do, to make, to happen

Theme Category Bases Impersonal (+ha)Transitive (O + ł)Reversionary (ná + O + ł)Reflexive (+l)

S does (thus)

  • áánííł (PROG)
  • kwáániił

it happens

  • hanééh (MOM)
  • áhánééh
  • kóhánééh
  • ákóhánééh
  • áhoonííł (PROG)

S makes O

  • áyoolííł (PROG)
  • kóyooliił

S repairs, restores O


  • (MOM)
  • íʼdílnééh

 2. various meanings depending on thematic prefix

Theme Category Bases Transitive (O + ł)Revers (ná + O + ł)Passive / Reflexive (+l)
hashtʼe + d

S gets ready

  • hashtʼediʼnééh

S packs O, prepares O

  • hashtʼeilééh

S fixes, corrects O

  • hashtʼenéídlééh

S prepares itself

  • hashtʼeʼádílnééh
ashja + Ø

S gives a chance

  • ashjaʼalééh
Pi + ʼa + Ø

S duplicates P,
takes a picture of P

Pi + Ø

S becomes like each other

  • ahilnééh
hadi + Ø

S dresses up

  • hadinééh

S dresses O up

  • haidiłnééh
kó + O + l

S attracts O towards self

  • kwíílnééh
  • kóʼahilnééh
kʼéédi + d

S gets even with

  • kʼéédíʼnééh
shó + Ø

there is a catastrophe

  • doo shóhánéeh da

S does awful things to O

  • doo shóíléeh da
tí + Ø

S injures O

  • atíílééh

S is injured, injures itself

  • tídílnééh
  • tíʼádílnééh

Stem set

MOM -nééh -dzaa -nííł -ʼįįh -nééh
MOM +ł -lééh -laa -lííł -ʼįįh -lééh

See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.

  1. In the perfective, Ø-classifier themes always take a d-classifier:
    • d + -yaa = -dzaa
  2. ł-classifier and stem-initial merge as follows:
    • ł + -nééh = -Ø-lééh
    • ł + -yaa = -Ø-laa
  3. Under d-effect for 1st person duoplural and passives, classifier merges first:
    • (d + ł) + -nééh = -l-nééh
    • (d + ł) + -yaa = -l-yaa
  4. Under d-effect for ná-reversionary, stem initial merges first:
    • d + (ł + -nééh) = -d-lééh
    • d + (ł + -yaa) = -d-laa


to do, to make:


Derived terms

Navajo terms belonging to the root -YAA (make)

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