
See also: eren and Eren


Etymology 1

The suffix results from an old plural in -er (cognate to German -er), to which a second plural ending -en was added. The single version can still be seen in many compounds such as kindertijd, and in the formation of plural diminutives (kindertjes, radertjes). The double suffix -eren is comparable to English -ren in children.


  • IPA(key): /ərə(n)/



  1. forms the plural of a limited group of nouns: blad, been, ei, gelid, gemoed, goed, hoen, kalf, kind, kleed, lam, lied, rad, rund, volk.
    kind kinderen
    “child” “children
Usage notes

Etymology 2

From French -er, from Latin -āre.


  • IPA(key): /eːrə(n)/
  • (file)



  1. part of the infinitive of verbs borrowed mainly from French and Latin, e.g. informeren from French informer (to inform)



  1. frequentative verbal suffix; indicating repetition
    Synonym: -elen
Derived terms
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Dutch_words_suffixed_with_-eren' title='Category:Dutch words suffixed with -eren'>Dutch words suffixed with -eren</a>
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