
See also: szór, -ször, and szőr



  • IPA(key): [sor]



  1. (multiplicative suffix) time, times. Added to a cardinal numeral or a pronoun to indicate the number of instances.
    három (three)háromszor (three times)
    annyi (so many)annyiszor (so many times)
    Hányszor voltál Magyarországon?How many times have you been to Hungary?
  2. for (the) ……-th time. Added to a truncated ordinal numeral or some pronouns to create an adverb, expressing for which time a current instance happens or has happened in the past.
    Synonyms: -szorra, -jára
    Már másodszor/másodszorra/másodjára nézem ezt a filmet.I'm watching this movie for the second time.
    Hányadszor/Hányadszorra/Hányadjára vagy Magyarországon?For which time are you in Hungary?
    (i.e., for the first or the second etc. time)
    Lehet, hogy kétszer nem sikerült, de harmadszor/harmadszorra/harmadjára már biztos sikerülni fog.You may not have succeeded twice, but you'll certainly succeed for the third time.

Usage notes

  • (multiplicative suffix) Harmonic variants:
    -szor is added to back vowel words
    hat (six)hatszor (six times), (also:) hatodszor(ra), hatodjára (in the second meaning, “for the sixth time)
    -szer is added to unrounded front vowel words
    hét (seven)hétszer (seven times), (also:) hetedszer(re), hetedjére (in the second meaning, “for the seventh time)
    -ször is added to rounded front vowel words
    öt (five)ötször (five times), (also:) ötödször(re), ötödjére (in the second meaning, “for the fifth time)

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Hungarian_words_suffixed_with_-szor' title='Category:Hungarian words suffixed with -szor'>Hungarian words suffixed with -szor</a>

See also

  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes
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