
See also: Appendix:Variations of "to"




  1. here; used to modify verb direction

Kalo Finnish Romani



  1. Used to form ordinal numbers.

Usage notes

The first two ordinal numbers have irregular forms in addition to the regular forms, iekto and duito: vaaguno and vauro. The third and fourth are somewhat irregular: tritto and startto instead of the expected *triinto and *staarto.


Etymology 1

Likely originally denominatives in formed from the past participle.



  1. Forms frequentative verbs from existing verbs.
Usage notes

The suffix uses the past participle/supine stem as the base, see the usage notes at -tus for more. It is not used for first conjugation verbs, the variant -itō appears there instead.

   Conjugation of -to (first conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present -tō -tās -tat -tāmus -tātis -tant
imperfect -tābam -tābās -tābat -tābāmus -tābātis -tābant
future -tābō -tābis -tābit -tābimus -tābitis -tābunt
perfect -tāvī -tāvistī -tāvit -tāvimus -tāvistis -tāvērunt, -tāvēre
pluperfect -tāveram -tāverās -tāverat -tāverāmus -tāverātis -tāverant
future perfect -tāverō -tāveris -tāverit -tāverimus -tāveritis -tāverint
passive present -tor -tāris, -tāre -tātur -tāmur -tāminī -tantur
imperfect -tābar -tābāris, -tābāre -tābātur -tābāmur -tābāminī -tābantur
future -tābor -tāberis, -tābere -tābitur -tābimur -tābiminī -tābuntur
perfect -tātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect -tātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect -tātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present -tem -tēs -tet -tēmus -tētis -tent
imperfect -tārem -tārēs -tāret -tārēmus -tārētis -tārent
perfect -tāverim -tāverīs -tāverit -tāverimus -tāveritis -tāverint
pluperfect -tāvissem -tāvissēs -tāvisset -tāvissēmus -tāvissētis -tāvissent
passive present -ter -tēris, -tēre -tētur -tēmur -tēminī -tentur
imperfect -tārer -tārēris, -tārēre -tārētur -tārēmur -tārēminī -tārentur
perfect -tātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect -tātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present -tā -tāte
future -tātō -tātō -tātōte -tantō
passive present -tāre -tāminī
future -tātor -tātor -tantor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives -tāre -tāvisse -tātūrus esse -tārī -tātus esse -tātum īrī
participles -tāns -tātūrus -tātus -tandus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
-tāre -tandī -tandō -tandum -tātum -tātū
Derived terms
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Latin_words_suffixed_with_-to' title='Category:Latin words suffixed with -to'>Latin words suffixed with -to</a>

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the main entry.



  1. masculine dative singular of -tus
  2. neuter dative singular of -tus
  3. masculine ablative singular of -tus
  4. neuter ablative singular of -tus



  • IPA(key): /tɑ/



  1. in, within, on, at
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