
See also: Etta, että, -etta, and etta-



From the digit ett (one)


etta c

  1. one; the digit or figure "1".
  2. first-grader; person who attends the first year of school
  3. a class of first-graders
  4. (uncountable, mainly used in the definite) the first year in school, or the first year in gymnasiet
    De barnen går i ettan.
    Those children are in first grade.
  5. (uncountable, mainly used in the definite) first gear
  6. studio (apartment with one room (and possibly a kitchen))
  7. winner of a competition; the person or team who ended up in the first position
  8. one; neutral element in multiplication


Declension of etta 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative etta ettan ettor ettorna
Genitive ettas ettans ettors ettornas

See also

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