
See also: gëllen



From Middle High German gëllen, from Old High German gellan, from Proto-Germanic *gellaną (to yell). More at yell.


  • IPA(key): /ˈɡɛlən/


gellen (third-person singular simple present gellt, past tense gellte, past participle gegellt, auxiliary haben)

  1. (intransitive) To emit a clear, penetrating sound
  2. (intransitive) To be shaken by a sound; reverberate


Further reading

  • Vollständiges Deutsches Wörter-Buch vel Lexicon germanico-latinum cum praefationibus et autoris et Iohannis Ulrici König, Breßlau, 1734: "Gegollen (act. ich habe) praes. ich gelle, sonum edo, imperf. ich gall (& usus probat) gahl. Es gillt mir in den Ohren, aurium tinnitum percipio."
  • Joh. Siegm. Val. Popowitsch, Die nothwendigsten Anfangsgründe der Teutschen Sprachkunst zum Gebrauche der Österreichischen Schulen auf allerhöchsten Befehl ausgefertiget & Anfängsgründe der Teutschen Sprachkunst zum Gebrauche der Österreichischen Schulen herausgegeben, Wienn, 1754: "Gellen sonum edere, gieng ehedessen so: du gillst, es gillt, es gall, es gälle, es hat gegollen"

Low German


From Old Saxon geldan, from Proto-Germanic *geldaną, from Proto-Indo-European *gʰeldʰ- (to pay). Compare Dutch gelden, English yield, West Frisian jilde, German gelten, Icelandic gjalda.


gellen (past singular gull, past participle gullen, auxiliary verb hebben)

  1. (intransitive) to be valid; to count; to hold true
  2. (intransitive) to be effective; to be in force
  3. (transitive) to be worth
  4. (intransitive, with an oblique personal object) to be meant for
  5. (intransitive, with “as” or “för) to be regarded (as something); to pass (for something)
  6. (impersonal) to be necessary
  7. (intransitive, with “laten) to pass; to go; (Like in standard German, often translated with laten as a unit into allow, endure, permit, accept, etc.)
    Dat will ik utnahmwies mal gellen laten. — “I will let that pass [allow, concede, endure, permit, accept that] as an exception.”


Middle Dutch


From Old Dutch *gellan, from Proto-Germanic *gellaną.



  1. to yell, scream


This verb needs an inflection-table template.


Further reading

  • ghellen”, in Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek, 2000
  • gellen (I)”, in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek, 1929
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