



locum (plural locums)[2]

  1. (Britain, informal) Short for locum tenens.[1]
    • 1915, W.S. Maugham, "Of Human Bondage", chapter 116:
      -- "I suppose you wouldn't like to do a locum for a month on the South coast? Three guineas a week with board and lodging." -- "I wouldn't mind," said Philip. -- "It's at Farnley, in Dorsetshire. Doctor South. You'd have to go down at once; his assistant has developed mumps. I believe it's a very pleasant place."
    • 1986, John le Carré, A Perfect Spy:
      "I asked about his Joes, he said the Joes could look after themselves and if Jack was bothered about them he could send a locum."


locum (plural loca)

  1. (historical) A share in a Genoese trading vessel.


  1. The Concise Oxford English Dictionary [Eleventh Edition]
  2. The Chambers Dictionary (1998)




locum n (genitive locī); second declension

  1. place, spot

Second declension.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative locum loca
Genitive locī locōrum
Dative locō locīs
Accusative locum loca
Ablative locō locīs
Vocative locum loca




  1. accusative singular of locus


  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) the lightning has struck somewhere: fulmen locum tetigit
    • (ambiguous) to collect together at one spot: in unum locum convenire, confluere
    • (ambiguous) to go to a place: se conferre in aliquem locum
    • (ambiguous) to go to a plac: petere locum
    • (ambiguous) the matter has gone so far that...; the state of affairs is such that..: res eo or in eum locum deducta est, ut...
    • (ambiguous) to give ground for suspicion: locum dare suspicioni
    • (ambiguous) to collect, accumulate instances: multa exempla in unum (locum) colligere
    • (ambiguous) to be considered the foremost orator: primum or principem inter oratores locum obtinere
    • (ambiguous) to be used as a proverb: proverbii locum obtinere (Tusc. 4. 16. 36)
    • (ambiguous) to quote a passage of Plato: locum Platonis afferre, proferre (not citare)
    • (ambiguous) to hold the first position in the state: principem in re publica locum obtinere
    • (ambiguous) to occupy the first, second position in the state: principem (primum), secundum locum dignitatis obtinere
    • (ambiguous) to found a colony somewhere: coloniam deducere in aliquem locum (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...)
    • (ambiguous) to elect a man to fill the place of another who has died whilst in office: sufficere aliquem in alicuius locum or alicui
    • (ambiguous) to succeed a person in an office: alicui or in alicuius locum succedere
    • (ambiguous) to concentrate all the troops at one point: cogere omnes copias in unum locum
    • (ambiguous) to occupy a position (with troops): capere, occupare locum
    • (ambiguous) to occupy a place beforehand: praeoccupare locum (Liv. 35. 27)
    • (ambiguous) to choose suitable ground for an engagement: locum ad pugnam idoneum deligere
  • locum in Ramminger, Johann (accessed 16 July 2016) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700, pre-publication website, 2005-2016
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