
See also: pavēlniecē



From pavēle (order, command) + -niece, or pavēlnieks (master, commander) + -e (fem.) (the latter with palatalization of k to c).


pavēlniece f (5th declension, masculine form: pavēlnieks)

  1. (female) master, mistress
    Mare bija pārliecināta, ka Rečs drīz vien būs atkal klāt, nolūgsies un viņa ieies Pakalnu kambari kā vīra prāta un sirds pavēlnieceMare was convinced that Rečs would soon be back, asking for forgiveness, and she would enter the Pakalns chamber as the mistress of her husband's mind and heart
  2. (military) (female) commander


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