sebab (plural sebab-sebab, first-person possessive sebabku, second-person possessive sebabmu, third-person possessive sebabnya)
Derived terms
Affixed terms and other derivations
Affixed derivations:
- because
- 2018 August 26, Achmad Hussain, “Kebakaran Lahan Hutan di Klaten Meluas ke Selatan [Forest Land Fires in Klaten Spreads to the South]”, in Suara Merdeka, archived from the original on 27 October 2018:
- Menurut Eko, kebakaran diketahui warga desanya sebab ada asap tebal di kawasan hutan dekat dengan makam Ki Ageng Pandanaran.
- According to Eko, the fire was found out by the people of his village because there was thick smoke at the forest area that is close to the tomb of Ki Ageng Pandanaran.
sebab (Jawi spelling سباب, plural sebab-sebab, informal first-person possessive sebabku, informal second-person possessive sebabmu, third-person possessive sebabnya)
- reason
- 2018 April 16, Sim Y. H., “Kadar obesiti dicatatkan meningkat [Rate of obesity recorded to be increasing]”, in Media Permata, archived from the original on 27 October 2018:
- Salah satu sebab peningkatan trend yang membimbangkan itu adalah amalan kurang aktif atau tidak aktif secara fizikal.
- One of the reasons for this increasingly worrying trend is the practice of being less active or physically unactive.
- 2018 October 8, “Tayar haus antara punca kenderaan bergetar [Worn-out tires among the reasons for trembling vehicle]”, in Media Permata, archived from the original on 27 October 2018:
- Apabila berhadapan dengan keadaan ini, antara sebab utama kerosakan yang berlaku diberi perhatian termasuk tekanan tayar depan terlalu rendah atau ukurannya tidak sama.
- When faced with this situation, one of the main reasons for the occurred damage [that should] be given attention include front tire pressure that is too low or tire measurements that are not same.
See also
- punca (“cause”)
Derived terms
Affixed terms and other derivations
Affixed derivations:
sebab (Jawi spelling سباب)
- (informal, colloquial) because
- 2018 March 4, Abdul Razak Idris, “Kenapa akronim tidak ikut bahasa Melayu? [Why are acronyms not based on the Malay language?]”, in Utusan Malaysia, archived from the original on 5 March 2018:
- Saya bukan pejuang bahasa sebab tatabahasa saya pun adakalanya tidak betul. Saya sama sahaja dengan kebanyakan rakyat yang memerhatikan kemerosotan hari demi hari terhadap kedaulatan bahasa ibunda orang Melayu ini. Saya mungkin boleh tidak peduli soal martabat bahasa kebangsaan ini. Tetapi sayang, sebab saya adalah generasi pertama yang dibuat uji kaji penggunaan bahasa Melayu sepenuhnya dalam sistem pendidikan kebangsaan.
- I am not a language fighter because my grammar is sometimes not right. I am the same as most citizens that are observing day-to-day deterioration of the sovereignty of the mother language of the Malay people. It is possible for me to be unconcerned about the issue of dignity of the national language. However, it is a pity, because I was the first generation that had to experiment with the full usage of the Malay language in the national education system.
Usage notes
Note that kerana is the preferred form used in modern Standard Malay that is grammatically correct.
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