Etymology 1
See siens.
Etymology 2

Mājas siena (1)

Pilsētas siena (2)

Alas sienas (4)
Cognate with Lithuanian síena (“wall, border”). Derived from verb siet (“to tie, bind”) in its older meaning “to braid, to weave” (see etymology of siet), which suggests that the original meaning of siena was “wicker-work”; compare cognates Avestan 𐬵𐬌𐬥𐬎 (hinu, “ties, bonds, hobble, chain”), Old Irish sin (“chain, necktie”). The current meaning suggests that house walls were originally woven with branches and twigs, and then probably covered with mud (compare with German Wand (“wall”), winden (“wind, twist, weave”)); some evidence from old folk songs supports this idea.[1]
- IPA(key): [siêna]
siena f (4th declension)
- wall (structure (made of wood, masonry, etc.) that limits a building, a room, etc.)
- mājas, istabas, šķūna sienas ― house, room, barn walls
- mūra, koka, baļķu siena ― masonry, wooden, log wall
- krāsota, balsināta, tapsēta siena ― painted, plastered, papered wall
- krāsot sienu ― to pain the wall
- līmēt tapetes uz sienas ― to paper (lit. paste paper on) the wall
- sienas pulkstenis, lampa ― wall clock, lamp
- iesist naglu sienā ― to drive a nail into the wall
- pakārt gleznu pie sienas ― to hang a painting on the wall
- wall, rampart (a high enclosure, especially for protection)
- Kremļa sienas ― Kremlin walls
- cietokšņa sienas ― fortress walls
- pilsētas sienas ― city walls
- something that encloses, also metaphorically
- dūmu, liesmu, uguns, miglas siena ― a smoke, flame, fire, fog wall
- naida siena ― hatred wall
- external side of a container, box, cavity, body organ, etc.
- skapja sienas ― cabinet walls
- alas, bedres sienas ― cave, pit walls
- tvaika katla sienas ― boiler walls
- kuņģa siena ― stomach wall
- artērijas siena ― artery wall
Declension of siena (4th declension)
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “siena”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
- IPA(key): [ˈs̪ʲɪ́ən̪ɐ]
declension of siena
singular (vienaskaita) | plural (daugiskaita) | |
nominative (vardininkas) | síena | síenos |
genitive (kilmininkas) | síenos | síenų |
dative (naudininkas) | síenai | síenoms |
accusative (galininkas) | síeną | síenas |
instrumental (įnagininkas) | síena | síenomis |
locative (vietininkas) | síenoje | síenose |
vocative (šauksmininkas) | síena | síenos |
Derived terms
- (Noun) užsienis m
- “siena” in Balčikonis, Juozas et al. (1954), Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas. Vilnius: Valstybinė politinės ir mokslinės literatūros leidykla.
- “siena” in Martsinkyavitshute, Victoria (1993), Hippocrene Concise Dictionary: Lithuanian-English/English-Lithuanian. New York: Hippocrene Books. →ISBN
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