


From smiekls (laugh, laughter) + -īgs.


smieklīgs (smieklīgais comparative, smieklīgāks superlative, vissmieklīgākais adverb, smieklīgi)

  1. funny, humorous, amusing (such that it causes laughter, cheerfulness)
    smieklīgs atgadījumsfunny incident
    smieklīgs piedzīvojumsfunny experience, adventure
    smieklīga anekdotefunny anecdote, joke
    tur nav nekā smieklīgathere is nothing funny there
    padarīt kādu smieklīguto make someone funny, to make fun of someone
  2. funny, ridiculous, laughable (deserving mockery)
    padarīt kādu smieklīguto ridicule someone (lit. to make someone funny)
    ar rotaļīgo toni viņš centās apslēpt savu saviļņojumu, baidīdamies, ka Anitas acīs varbūt varētu likties smieklīgswith a playful tone, he tried to hide his emotion, fearing that he might look ridiculous in Anita's eyes
    grāmatvedim radās smieklīga vēlēšanās: sviest no piektā, ceturtā, trešā stāva lejā dažādus priekšmētusthe accountat had a funny desire: to throw various objects down from the fifth, the fourth, the third floor
  3. funny, ridiculous, strange, unusual, bizarre
    tieksme pievērst sev garāmgājēju uzmanību ar piedauzīgu, ķēmīgu izturēšanos ir smieklīga, nožēlojama parādībathe tendency to attract the attention of passersby with obscene, apish behavior is a ridiculous, pathetic phenomenon
  4. (in adverbial form, especially of something small) ridiculously, very
    tie bija smieklīgi maziņithey (= watches) were ridiculously (= very) small



See also

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