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Nom commun
Singulier | Pluriel |
codfish \ˈkɑːd.ˌfɪʃ\ |
codfish \ˈkɑːd.ˌfɪʃ\ ou \ˈkɑːd.ˌfɪʃ.ɪz\ |

Atlantic cod
codfish singulier et pluriel identiques \ˈkɑːd.ˌfɪʃ\
- (Dénombrable) Morue, cabillaud.
- Several codfish were, and in some cases still are, so abundant that for the last 1,000 years they have provided an important and reliable food source in Europe and, later, in North America. — (Encyclopedia of the Aquatic World: Starfish-Worm - Page 313, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2004)
- There are about 21 genera and 55 species of codfishes. — (site
- (Indénombrable) Chair de morue.
Vocabulaire apparenté par le sens
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