Nom commun
Singulier | Pluriel |
founder \Prononciation ?\ |
founders \Prononciation ?\ |
founder \Prononciation ?\
founder \Prononciation ?\
- Couler, sombrer (en parlant d’un navire, d’une embarcation, ou au figuré).
- We work’d on, but the Water encreasing in the Hold, it was apparent that the ship would founder — (Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, page 13. 1719.)
- We work’d on, but the Water encreasing in the Hold, it was apparent that the ship would founder — (Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, page 13. 1719.)
→ Prononciation manquante. (Ajouter)
- États-Unis : écouter « founder [Prononciation ?] »
Voir aussi
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