Nom commun
Indénombrable |
manhood \ˈmæn.hʊd\ |
manhood \ˈmæn.hʊd\ (Indénombrable)
- Humanité.
- Âge adulte (d’un homme mâle), âge viril.
- Of the seventy crewmen of the ship some were like Ged very young in years, though all had made their passage into manhood. — (Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea, 1968, éd. 2004, ISBN 0553383043)
- Pami les soixante-dix marins, certains étaient fort jeunes, comme Ged, mais tous cependant avaient accompli leur Passage dans l’âge adulte. — (Traduction de Philippe R. Hupp et Françoise Maillet, Le Sorcier de Terremer, 1980, ISBN 2221094611)
- Of the seventy crewmen of the ship some were like Ged very young in years, though all had made their passage into manhood. — (Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea, 1968, éd. 2004, ISBN 0553383043)
- Masculinité, virilité.
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