- Apparenté à kweern en néerlandais, kvörn en islandais, kværn en danois, kvarn (« moulin ») en suédois, жёрнов, žórnov en russe.
Nom commun
Singulier | Pluriel |
quern \kwɝn\ |
querns \kwɝnz\ |

An Early Neolithic (3700 - 3500 BC) saddle quern and rubbing stone
quern \kwɝn\
- Moulin à bras, pilon.
- She is shaking in ingredients from various small bottles and querns produced from the pockets of her robes, and from the drawer in the wooden table. — (Robert Nye, Merlin, 1978)
- Not surprisingly, different cultures discovered the suitability of various rock types for manufacturing querns and millstones.
- kern, curn, quirn
Temps | Forme |
Infinitif | to quern \Prononciation ?\ |
Présent simple, 3e pers. sing. |
querns |
Prétérit | querned |
Participe passé | querned |
Participe présent | querning |
voir conjugaison anglaise |
quern \Prononciation ?\ transitif
- (Très rare) Moudre.
- For women he thought these should include combing, spinning, querning, leather and fur-working and be associated with finds of beads, bracelets and perforated teeth. — (Tina Tuohy, Gender and Material Culture in Archaeological Perspective, 2000)
- (Très rare) (Figuré) Réduire en miettes.
- He could almost set aside the longing for Eyjan that ever querned within him—almost—in this place so utterly sundered from everything of hers. — (Poul Anderson, The Merman's Children, 1979)
- Cet article utilise des informations de l’article du Wiktionnaire en anglais, sous licence CC-BY-SA-3.0 : quern.
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