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Nom commun
Singulier | Pluriel |
scale \skeɪl\ |
scales \skeɪlz\ |
scale \skeɪl\
- Balance.
- According to the scale, he weighed 70 kilograms.
- Selon la balance, il pesait 70 kilogrammes.
- According to the scale, he weighed 70 kilograms.
- Échelle.
- The map is on a scale of 100,000 to 1.
- La carte est à l’échelle 100 000 pour 1.
- The map is on a scale of 100,000 to 1.
- Grandeur.
- The pyramids were built on a larger scale than any previous man-made buildings.
- Les pyramides furent construites à une dimension supérieure à celle de n’importe quel bâtiment fait par l’Homme auparavant.
- The pyramids were built on a larger scale than any previous man-made buildings.
- Écaille.
- He had to first remove the fish scales.
- Il devait d’abord enlever les écailles du poisson.
- Part of his skin was covered in scale.
- Une partie de sa peau était couverte d’écailles.
- He had to first remove the fish scales.
- Gamme.
- She warmed up before practice by singing (musical) scales.
- Elle s’échauffa avant la répétition en chantant des gammes.
- She warmed up before practice by singing (musical) scales.
scale \skeɪl\
- Écailler.
- Who is going to scale these fish?
- Qui va écailler ces poissons ?
- Who is going to scale these fish?
- Escalader.
- He scaled the wall and kept running.
- Il escalada le mur et continua à courir.
- He scaled the wall and kept running.
- Agrandir, élargir (scale up).
- This is okay so far, but we’re going to need to scale up.
- Tout va bien pour le moment, mais nous allons devoir agrandir.
- This is okay so far, but we’re going to need to scale up.
- Réduire (scale down).
- This would overwhelm them. We need to scale it down.
- Cela les submergerait. Nous devons le réduire.
- This would overwhelm them. We need to scale it down.
- (Géométrie) Échelonner, rééchelonner, redimensionner.
- Exemple d’utilisation manquant. (Ajouter)
- (Intransitif) Varier selon une certaine échelle.
- The tax scales according to your revenue.
- Le montant de l’impôt varie selon le revenu.
- The tax scales according to your revenue.
- \skeɪl\
- États-Unis : écouter « scale [skeɪl] »
- États-Unis : écouter « scale [skeɪl] »
- (Australie) : écouter « scale [Prononciation ?] »
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