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villainess \ˈvɪl.ə.nɪs\ |
villainesses \ˈvɪl.ə.nɪs.ɪz\ |
villainess \ˈvɪl.ə.nɪs\
- Vilaine, méchante.
- This season, Brazilian-born Baccarin (a heroine to fans of FIREFLY and SERENITY for portraying Inara Serra as well as a veteran of STARGATE SG-1 as the dangerous Adria) killed a fellow visitor with her tail and ingested a rodent, not to mention dealing with her mother Diana, played by original ’80s V villainess Jane Badler – none of which she was expecting. — (Abbie Bernstein, Exclusive Interview: V star Morena Baccarin reflects on Season 2 and beyond, 15 mars 2011, Assignment X)
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