Guest Post: Design Hackathon held in Buenos Aires to kick off the CC Toolkits Project

This is a guest post written by Gino Cingolani, a member on the design team for the CC Toolkit project. We’re making progress with the project, and wanted to share about a regional activity that helped launch the development of the CC Toolkits. Thanks to Gino, Teresa Sempere Garcia, and Pablo Corbalan for leading the … Read More “Guest Post: Design Hackathon held in Buenos Aires to kick off the CC Toolkits Project”


OPEN Partners Host U.S. Department of Labor TAACCCT Grantee Kick-Off Conference

Giulia Forsyth / CC BY Wave 2 Kick-off Event, Minneapolis MN Round 2 Grantees from the US Department of Labor’s (DOL) Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College & Career Training (TAACCCT) program were invited to attend last week’s Kick-off Conference, hosted by OPEN Partners: CC, CMU’s OLI, CAST, and SBCTC. This was a unique opportunity for … Read More “OPEN Partners Host U.S. Department of Labor TAACCCT Grantee Kick-Off Conference”

Open Science Course Sprint: An Education Hackathon for Open Data Day

An Education Sprint The future of Open is a dynamic landscape, ripe with opportunities to increase civic engagement, literacy, and innovation. Towards this goal, the Science Program at Creative Commons is teaming up with the Open Knowledge Foundation and members of the Open Science Community to facilitate the building of an open online course, an … Read More “Open Science Course Sprint: An Education Hackathon for Open Data Day”

Counting down to the Open Knowledge Festival (Sept 17-22)

We’re psyched to be a part of OKFestival: Open Knowledge in Action. The OKFestival takes place September 17-22, 2012 in Helsinki, Finland, and features “a series of hands-on workshops, talks, hackathons, meetings and sprints” exploring a variety of areas including open development, open cultural heritage, and gender and diversity in openness. You can buy tickets … Read More “Counting down to the Open Knowledge Festival (Sept 17-22)”