Examples of electrophile in the following topics:
- Three examples are shown in equations 1 through 3; electrophiles are colored red, and nucleophiles are colored blue.
- In the former addition reaction, bromine (an electrophile) attacks the nucleophilic double bond of 1-butene to give an electrophilic cyclic-bromonium intermediate (enclosed in square brackets) accompanied by a nucleophilic bromide ion.
- However, this electrophilic character may be enhanced or diminished by substituents.
- This generates the bromonium cation, Br(+), a powerful electrophile.
- We can increase the electrophile reactivity by converting the ester to its conjugate acid, CH3C(OH)OC2H5(+).
- The facility with which the aromatic ring of phenols and phenol ethers undergoes electrophilic substitution has been noted.
- Carbon dioxide is a weak electrophile and normally does not react with aromatic compounds; however, the negative charge concentration on the phenolate ring enables the carboxylation reaction shown in the second step.
- This reaction class could be termed electrophilic substitution at oxygen, and is defined as follows (E is an electrophile).
- This reaction is believed to proceed by the rapid bonding of a strong electrophile to a carboxylate anion.
- Alkynes may also serve as electrophiles in substitution reactions of this kind, as illustrated by the synthesis of vinyl acetate from acetylene.
- Electrophilic species such as acids or halogens are necessary initiators of lactonizations.
- Even the weak electrophile iodine initiates iodolactonization of γ,δ- and δ,ε-unsaturated acids.
- Electrophile: An electron deficient atom, ion or molecule that has an affinity for an electron pair, and will bond to a base or nucleophile.
- Nucleophile: An atom, ion or molecule that has an electron pair that may be donated in bonding to an electrophile (or Lewis acid).
- In this sense they are electrophiles, but the non-bonding electron pair also gives carbenes nucleophilic character.
- As a rule, the electrophilic character dominates carbene reactivity.
- The importance of electrophile / nucleophile terminology comes from the fact that many organic reactions involve at some stage the bonding of a nucleophile to an electrophile, a process that generally leads to a stable intermediate or product.
- Since the reagents and conditions employed in these reactions are electrophilic, these reactions are commonly referred to as Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution.
- The catalysts and co-reagents serve to generate the strong electrophilic species needed to effect the initial step of the substitution.
- The specific electrophile believed to function in each type of reaction is listed in the right hand column.
- A two-step mechanism has been proposed for these electrophilic substitution reactions.
- In the first, slow or rate-determining, step the electrophile forms a sigma-bond to the benzene ring, generating a positively charged benzenonium intermediate.
- This mechanism for electrophilic aromatic substitution should be considered in context with other mechanisms involving carbocation intermediates.
- The carbocation intermediate in electrophilic aromatic substitution (the benzenonium ion) is stabilized by charge delocalization (resonance) so it is not subject to rearrangement.
- The oxygen atom of an alcohol is nucleophilic and is therefore prone to attack by electrophiles.
- This powerful nucleophile then attacks the weak electrophile.
- In the following equation the electrophile may be regarded as Cl(+).
- This reaction provides examples of both strong electrophilic substitution (first equation below), and weak electrophilic substitution (second equation).
- The electrophilic atom in the acid chlorides and anhydrides is colored red.
- When the addition reactions of electrophilic reagents, such as strong Brønsted acids and halogens, to alkynes are studied we find a curious paradox.
- As a rule, electrophilic addition reactions to alkenes and alkynes proceed by initial formation of a pi-complex, in which the electrophile accepts electrons from and becomes weakly bonded to the multiple bond.
- Why are the reactions of alkynes with electrophilic reagents more sluggish than the corresponding reactions of alkenes?
- Since the initial interaction between an electrophile and an alkene or alkyne is the formation of a pi-complex, in which the electrophile accepts electrons from and becomes weakly bonded to the multiple bond, the relatively slower reactions of alkynes becomes understandable.
- Despite these differences, electrophilic additions to alkynes have emerged as exceptionally useful synthetic transforms.
- The proton is not the only electrophilic species that initiates addition reactions to the double bond.
- The electrophilic character of the halogens is well known.
- The electrophilic moiety of these reagents is the halogen.
- To apply this mechanism we need to determine the electrophilic moiety in each of the reagents.
- By using electronegativity differences we can dissect common addition reagents into electrophilic and nucleophilic moieties, as shown below.
- The organometal species produced in this way could then react with a variety of common electrophilic reagents (e.g. alkyl halides, carbonyl compounds and halogens).
- The following equation illustrates this Directed ortho Metalation (DoM) reaction, where DMG refers to a directing metalation group and E+ is an electrophile.
- Electrophilic substitution of aromatic rings generally gives a mixture of ortho and para substitution products when an existing substituent activates the ring or meta products when the substituent is deactivating.
- Electrophilic iodination by the action of molecular iodine in the presence of sodium nitrate and acetic acid (a source of iodinium cation) gives a high yield of para-iodoanisole.
- Direct electrophilic substitution would normally occur at the meta position, so the action of the amide DMG is particularly noteworthy.