Examples of nucleophile in the following topics:
- Electrophile: An electron deficient atom, ion or molecule that has an affinity for an electron pair, and will bond to a base or nucleophile.
- The most reactive nucleophiles are said to be more nucleophilic than less reactive members of the group.
- The nucleophilicities of some common Nu:(–) reactants vary as shown in the following
- The cumulative results of studies of this kind has led to useful empirical rules pertaining to nucleophilicity:
- (ii) For a given period of the periodic table, nucleophilicity (and basicity) decreases on moving from left to right.
- Nucleophilic substitution is a reaction that can occur uni- or bimolecularly in which a nucleophile replaces a leaving group at a carbon.
- Nucleophilic substitution is a superset of reactions that involve an electron-rich nucleophile bonding to an electrophilic carbon atom and displacing a stable leaving group.
- Generally, the form of a nucleophilic substitution reaction can be expressed as:
- In unimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN1), a leaving group is replaced by a nucleophile in a two-step process.
- In SN2, the nucleophile "pushes" the leaving group off the carbon in the R group.
- then reactions with much weaker nucleophiles or bases may take place.
- Some confusion in distinguishing basicity (base strength) and nucleophilicity (nucleophile strength) is inevitable.
- Nucleophilicity is a more complex property.
- For two or more molecules incorporating nucleophilic atoms of the same kind and charge, the stronger base is usually the stronger nucleophile.
- In each of these pairs the weaker base is the stronger nucleophile.
- We can now piece together a plausible picture of how nucleophilic substitution reactions of 1º and 2º-alkyl halides take place.
- The nucleophile must approach the electrophilic alpha-carbon atom from the side opposite the halogen.
- The diagram below shows this process for an anionic nucleophile.
- The consequence of rear-side bonding by the nucleophile is an inversion of configuration about the alpha-carbon.
- Neutral nucleophiles react by a similar mechanism, but the charge distribution in the transition state is very different.
- The chemistry of phosphines and the related phosphite esters is dominated by their strong nucleophilicity and reducing character.
- The nucleophilicity of trivalent phosphorus results in rapid formation of phosphonium salts when such compounds are treated with reactive alkyl halides.
- As we have noted, many common organic reactions proceed by bonding between nucleophilic and electrophilic sites in the reactant molecules.
- Three examples are shown in equations 1 through 3; electrophiles are colored red, and nucleophiles are colored blue.
- In the former addition reaction, bromine (an electrophile) attacks the nucleophilic double bond of 1-butene to give an electrophilic cyclic-bromonium intermediate (enclosed in square brackets) accompanied by a nucleophilic bromide ion.
- Thus, acid chlorides are very reactive with a wide range of nucleophiles, including water and alcohols (eq. 3).
- We can use a stronger nucleophile than water, such as hydroxide anion.
- This apparent nucleophilic substitution reaction is surprising, since aryl halides are generally incapable of reacting by either an SN1 or SN2 pathway.
- To explain this, a third mechanism for nucleophilic substitution has been proposed.
- Three additional examples of aryl halide nucleophilic substitution are presented on the right.
- Nitrogen nucleophiles will also react, as evidenced by the use of Sanger's reagent for the derivatization of amino acids.
- Some distinguishing features of the three common nucleophilic substitution mechanisms are summarized in the following table.
- Electrophile: An electron deficient atom, ion or molecule that has an affinity for an electron pair, and will bond to a base or nucleophile.
- Nucleophile: An atom, ion or molecule that has an electron pair that may be donated in bonding to an electrophile (or Lewis acid).
- Using these definitions, it is clear that carbocations ( called carbonium ions in the older literature ) are electrophiles and carbanions are nucleophiles.
- In this sense they are electrophiles, but the non-bonding electron pair also gives carbenes nucleophilic character.
- The importance of electrophile / nucleophile terminology comes from the fact that many organic reactions involve at some stage the bonding of a nucleophile to an electrophile, a process that generally leads to a stable intermediate or product.
- Thiolate conjugate bases are easily formed, and have proven to be excellent nucleophiles in SN2 reactions of alkyl halides and tosylates.
- Although the basicity of ethers is roughly a hundred times greater than that of equivalent sulfides, the nucleophilicity of sulfur is much greater than that of oxygen, leading to a number of interesting and useful electrophilic substitutions of sulfur that are not normally observed for oxygen.
- There are two main types of polar addition reactions: electrophilic addition and nucleophilic addition.
- In the related addition-elimination reaction, an addition reaction is followed by an elimination reaction; in most reactions, this involves addition to carbonyl compounds in nucleophilic acyl substitution.
- In nucleophilic addition reactions, the nucleophile donates an electron pair to the electrophile (one of the atoms in the double bond).
- In hydrohalogenation, the nucleophile is the halogen.
- Top to bottom: electrophilic addition to alkene, nucleophilic addition of nucleophile to carbonyl, and free radical addition of halide to alkene.