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CBRN Closed-Circuit, SCBA, and PAPR Public Meeting

NOTE: This page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

Meeting Presentations

Date: December 13, 2005

Place: Sheraton Station Square Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

DISCLAIMER: Sponsorship of the public meeting and these presentations, public comments, handouts, and transcripts by NIOSH does not constitute endorsement of the views expressed or recommendation for the use of any commercial product, commodity or service mentioned. The opinions and conclusions expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of NIOSH. Recommendations are not considered as final statements of NIOSH policy or of any agency or individual who was involved. This information is intended for use in advancing knowledge needed to protect workers.

Continued Discussions of Concepts for Standards for Approval of Respirators for Use Against Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Agents (CBRN) and Concepts for Standards for Industrial Powered Air Purifying Respirators

Standards Development Efforts for CBRN CC-SCBA - John G. Kovac

Modeling the Dissipation of Oxygen from an Outward Leak of a Closed-Circuit Breathing Device - Kathryn Butler, Rodney Bryant, John Kovac
