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Zombie Preparedness for Educators: Scavenger Hunt

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Encourage fitness as your class learns about preparedness!
Hide the attached emergency kit items in various locations in and around your school according to the clues below.
The students will figure out the clue, go to the location, and take out one emergency kit item.

Give the students a set amount of time to collect as many of the emergency kit items as they can from different locations.
Teams must stay together at all times, and the team that finishes first or collects the most items is the winner!

Example Clues (Modify the clues to fit your school and location)

Make sure you have a first-aid kit to take care of a scratch or a bite
Pick up what you need from a friendly nurse at this campus illness site.

You should have one of these handy, even in your car,
Go where there are cars and a stop sign.
We hope you don’t have to walk too far.

For watches and warnings and fires and floods, weather radios broadcast the news.
In a tornado drill you would go here and wait for your teacher to tell you what to do.

In an emergency, things can go dark and you’ll need a flashlight
The generators would kick on here, where there is a maintenance closet in sight.

The best food for your kit should be in a can to save it from rotting and spoiling.
Find a few in the place to grab lunch, and there might be some hot dogs broiling.

Without water you can’t survive long, so make sure there’s enough in your kit.
Find the fountain closest to                       , near the bench where you can sit.

You’ll need this to open cans, if you want your food freed
This machine dispenses cans, just not the kind for emergency needs.

Have matches to spare in case the situation becomes dire
This spot is the closest to a hydrant in the event of a fire

No chance to use debits if electricity is out, so keep cash tucked away.
You won’t be able to access the internet here if a power outage takes it away.

AA, AAA, C, D, or 9V. You’ll need batteries, that you can bet.
Charge up your body and keep it healthy at the place where you go to sweat.

Some papers are really important to have to prove your identity.
Go here to get a visitor’s badge, an essential for accountability

Don’t forget about wee ones, that need diapers, bottles, and a car seat
And you may need an instrument for a lullaby, in this room where the music is sweet.

Make sure you have entertainment in case you are stuck for a while.
Go here to grab some books to read so you won’t be counting ceiling tiles.

Talk to your Doc and get all your meds, and keep a full supply.
Then find the place where teachers relax, where the kids are not supposed to drop by.

In a disaster situation you may be sleeping on the ground.
Find a sleeping bag and blanket where colorful paintings are found.

A toothbrush and toilet paper are just a few hygienic items to collect
Hit up our normal bathroom to find these items, and you’ll be glad you checked.

Fido and Fluffy will be glad that you thought of them, too.
This dock services supplies for all the food that comes through.

Keep plenty of these around when it gets dark and you need some extra light.
Go to this office for help when you are having trouble for some advice and insight.

A cell phone and charger will keep you in the know.
Travel to the classroom where lab dwellers go.

Have a whistle around to make some sound if you’re lost after a disaster.
Find one at the back entrance and be the team that finds it faster.

In case of evacuation, a GPS may fail.
Here you’ll find a school map where the            hails.

A fire extinguisher will stop a blaze that can cause quite an outcry.
Find one at this tree where there is a courtyard nearby.

scavenger hunt chips