These guidelines for the treatment of persons who have or are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) were updated by CDC after consultation with a group of professionals knowledgeable in the field of STDs who met in Atlanta on April 30–May 2, 2013. The information in this report updates the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010 (MMWR Recomm Rep 2010;59 [No. RR–12]). These updated guidelines discuss 1) alternative treatment regimens for Neisseria gonorrhoeae; 2) the use of nucleic acid amplification tests for the diagnosis of trichomoniasis; 3) alternative treatment options for genital warts; 4) the role of Mycoplasma genitalium in urethritis/cervicitis and treatment-related implications; 5) updated HPV vaccine recommendations and counseling messages; 6) the management of persons who are transgender; 7) annual testing for hepatitis C in persons with HIV infection; 8) updated recommendations for diagnostic evaluation of urethritis; and 9) retesting to detect repeat infection. Physicians and other health-care providers can use these guidelines to assist in the prevention and treatment of STDs.
Downloads and Resources
Download the 2015 STD Treatment (Tx) Guide app, an easy-to-use reference that combines information from the STD Treatment Guidelines as well as MMWR updates, and features a streamlined interface so providers can access treatment and diagnostic information. The free app is available for Apple devices and Android devices.
Print Version of the Guidelines
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Use of a 2-Dose Schedule for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination — Updated Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices MMWR December 16, 2016
Procaine Penicillin G Shortage (September 19, 2016)
2015 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines Update Webinar in Spanish - April 5, 2016, View recording, CE credits available
Clinical Advisory: Ocular Syphilis in the United States (October 16, 2015)
New STD Guidelines for 2015 - CDC Expert Commentary featuring Kimberly Workowski, MD (October 5, 2015)
2015 STD Treatment Guidelines Overview Webinar - June 22, 2015, View Recording, CE credits available. (June 23, 2015)
- Questions & Answers (February 17, 2016)
Screening Recommendations Referenced in Treatment Guidelines and Original Recommendation Sources (June 4, 2015)
- Page last reviewed: June 4, 2015
- Page last updated: January 25, 2017
- Content source: