Have You Heard? Facts From The Field is a weekly feature from the Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support to provide CDC and the field with facts and news from state, tribal, local and territorial public health agencies. We invite you to read and share this information broadly.
View the Current Have You Heard?
February 3, 2014
Partnerships between public health and health care can be powerful.
- The Salina-Saline County Health Department in Kansas is integrating public health and primary care to improve birth outcomes [PDF 349KB].
- Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, has taken an innovative approach to integrating public health and health care: using a shared space [PDF 333KB] to provide seamless care and save money.
- Montana’s health department partnered with a community hospital to provide a diabetes prevention program [PDF 343KB] onsite and via video conferencing, helping participants lose weight while also reducing the state’s health costs.
- Page last reviewed: November 9, 2015
- Page last updated: November 9, 2015
- Content source: