Cleaning the baby 269
Cleaning the baby
It helps to have a small toy for the baby to play with while you clean her so she will
not move about so much. Try to collect about 10 playthings that the baby can touch
and hold so you can give a different one to the baby each time you change her. A
new toy will hold the baby’s attention better. Many simple things in the home can
be used as toys, or can be turned into them. For example, a noisy seed pod, a bell, a
small cloth doll, a mirror, a bracelet of colored beads, or colored paper. When you
have gone through all 10, start with the first one again so it will seem new to the
baby. Here are some examples of simple toys:
Make sure the
objects or toys
have no sharp
edges, and are
not so small
the baby could
swallow them.
Always wash your hands after cleaning or changing the baby,
and after helping a child use a latrine or toilet.
If you have limited use of your hands
Many women who have limited movement in their hands can clean the baby’s
bottom and genitals. But often they cannot put on a nappy or diaper—especially if
it needs safety pins to hold it closed. You may have to rely on a family member or
helper to do this. If you cannot clean and change the baby yourself, make sure the
place where the baby is changed is close beside you so that the baby can
always hear your voice and see your face as she is being changed.
If you have only one arm or limited use of your arms or hands,
when your baby is about 1 month old you can teach her how to
help you put on her nappy. As you place a clean cloth under her
bottom, lift or bounce her bottom up 2 or 3 times.
Do this each time you change her, and soon she
will start to lift her bottom up herself whenever
she feels you touching her there. This will
make it easier for you to get the cloth placed
underneath her.
A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities 2007