c h apter 5
Taking care of
your body
Some people think having a disability means you are sick. This is not true. But
having a disability may mean you need to take more care in your daily routines to
stay healthy.
As a disabled woman, you know and understand your body better than anyone
else. For example, you know you may not rely on pain to tell you something is
wrong—you need to check your body carefully and regularly every day, especially
the parts you cannot feel or see. Or if you have an unusual feeling, or body reaction,
or a pain somewhere, or any sores or illnesses, you try to find out as soon as
possible what might be causing it. When it is necessary, you ask a family member,
friend, or someone you trust to help you.
This chapter has information to help you stay healthy and prevent many health
problems. If you need assistance with daily care, this chapter has information to
help your family and caregivers to provide that assistance.