32 Where There Is No Dentist 2012
Use puppet shows to act out the
messages of eating good food and
keeping teeth clean.
Students can make their own
puppets to look like people or
Using puppets, it is often
easier to say things that people
themselves cannot. For example,
they can talk openly about the bad
food sold at the village store.
Children can make puppets easily from paper bags. They are good for
showing teeth because you can make a wide-open mouth.
Open and close your
hand to make it eat
or speak.
To make a
bigger puppet,
attach a
cardboard face
to the bag.
A puppet made from a sock looks alive.
1. Fit the sock over your hand.
2. Make the mouth by pushing in the
cloth between your thumb and
3. Add eyes, nose and hair to the
sock or to a box that fits over it.
Loosely fill a cloth bag with old cotton or paper. Put the end of a stick inside,
and tie the bag to it with tape or string. Make a sad or happy face to fit the
story. Dress the puppet with an old piece of cloth.